Reviews for Tragic Partings
66sixx chapter 1 . 5/22/2011
It was very emotional. One moment Derek and Angie are discussing getting married and spending their lives together. And the next, they are both dead.

Very well written... and very sad.
StrayHero chapter 2 . 10/13/2010
I just noticed this chapter after I submitted my last review. Yet again, it reminds me of Immortal :o Such a sad story, I don't know what got me to read it, but I'm glad I clicked the link to this story... Tragic, yes, but incredible :)
StrayHero chapter 1 . 10/13/2010
You can bet that tears were going down my cheeks . Red, puffy eyes now after reading it a few times over. It was a good, sad story. I'm not the type for endings like that, but that was a really good way for a tragic ending, like the one you did with Immortal. Its not a bad story, its really good, especially when it pulls emotions out of the people reading. Very sad indeed... You're very good at pulling out emotions like this ;]
Kidalanna chapter 2 . 10/7/2008

Very tragic. That was really saddening at the last part.

Great job, once again. :3

(Sorry that I can't think of anything better to say. I can't seem to find anything wrong with it, so, I can only say that it's really spiffy. )
Kidalanna chapter 1 . 10/7/2008
That was mildly improbable, but rather tragic.

I almost cried. ;-;

Very nicely done.
Tristan-the-Dreamer chapter 2 . 5/4/2008
Holy...that was depressing! In a good way, you know, like an old-man-and-the-sea way. The dialogue is very clear and natural, I especially liked Eric at the beginning, "...Derek Stiles is not coming, I assure you!..."

The newspaper article was a nice touch and was written with, in my opinion, appropriate detachment. I don't think I would have thought of making Dr. Hoover feel guilty, I liked that. And then Eric's like, "..." because what do you say?

It was funny and sad and painful all at the same time to me when Miles decided never to go back to Alaska. I wish he could love it and have good memories of it, but it's true that sometimes in life what is precious can turn around and poison your emotions. Bleh.

Great ending, to the point but softened with emotion.


deactivated3333344543 chapter 1 . 5/2/2008
i-i couldnt take it i was sobbing like a baby!when i looked down on my comp desk it had so many tear drops on it!this is truth fully the saddest story i ever read!this is so goin on my favs!
TCGeek chapter 2 . 4/3/2008
*le sob*

Well, I'm glad at least someone in this story is still alive...

The end sentence is so tragically cute I can't even stand it! I liked this epilogue, though I feel sorry for Dr. Hoover that the last years of his life will be filled with guilt.

This was a wonderful wrap-up - thanks so much again for writing this... though it was very very sad I loved it.
Tristan-the-Dreamer chapter 1 . 4/3/2008
For real, tears are dripping down my face. Wow.

At first hitting the animal seemed really random to me and I was like, "...okay...that was weird.." But then I saw how it all tied together, even using its ancestry to make it make sense!

" was not their nature." That got me. A smack in the face of reality.

I was a bit confused as to how all of a sudden the road wasn't there-did they take a sharp turn and reach a dead end? Also, the bear part I think needed a bit more introduction. How did they separate her from her cubs? Oh, what would be REALLY awful is if they crushed one of the cubs to death as they rolled! That would make the mom FURIOUS.

Maybe it would have been a good touch to have the wolf limping or just running more slowly at the end, since he was hurt pretty bad and I'm not sure how fast he would have bounced back.

But man...that was intense! I don't suppose you would write an epilogue or somethin'? Because...NOW WHAT HAPPENS TO DR. HOOVER! AH!

TCGeek chapter 1 . 3/30/2008

Okay, I've teared up at fics here before... but you had me SOBBING. SOBBING! Oh my God! You're KILLING ME HERE!

Make no mistake, this was so so so good. So heartfelt, so sad... so gruesome, at parts. I could barely keep going through the bear scene, but I made it... crying like a baby. Wow.

Yeah, I was gaining my composure there for a minute and then I read the last sentence and started bawling again!

Nonetheless, you wrote them together perfectly... like, really perfectly. Angie yelling and Derek trying to get her to stoppit really nails those two... but she stops yelling just long enough to try to help him... holy crap I'm so depressed now!

While I wish it would've been happier I think it was an amazing attempt nonetheless - don't take it down! I know you hate the pairing but I really appreciate the attempt... maybe we can do a story trade one of these days for something that won't make me want to go eat Chunky Monkey ice cream and never leave my bed :D

Great job - thanks again! *le sob*