Reviews for Underneath the Underneath
Sandlesock chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
This is such a brilliant piece. The writing is very similar to how I would imagine The History Boys to be if it were a book. The dialogue between the two was just so in character and just like Alan Bennett's style. It was so poetic as well, this is one of the best written fics that I've read. I tip my hat off to you.
GeishaGorgeous chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
Oh my gosh...puppies in a bucket.

That was beyond lovely. I don't know if you are still on site or not but just in case, I wanted you to know that I think this was perfect. You didn't just nail the characters, you made them your own.
Chrystle Ayer chapter 1 . 11/20/2012
Okay, first, I want to say, I was NOT one for slash, but fuck if I didnt' fall in love with STUART and TOM recently. It's just so weird. I saw the movie just once in '06. And when I saw it, the Dakin/Irwin relationship made me very uncomfortable. The student/teacher aspect and the homosexuality, as well. So at the time, I was happy more wasn't shown to happen between them in the film.

Well, to say the least, lol, my attitude has progressed and evolved leaps and bounds since then. I happen onto a fucking awesome Youtube video about them just two days ago call "All The Things She Said". I've been freakin' obsessed since, lol.

So I wanted to say, that was sooooooo cruel you didn't have them kiss! This is the first slash pairing I've ever been into so I'm still a bit hesisant about full-blown sex scenes, but hell if I wasn't wanting a kiss, lol. Anyway, baby steps. I just wish I couldn't find more multi-chaptered fics instead of one-shots. Well, thanks. This was really, really good even if they didn't kiss. I loved you protrayal of a more mature Dakin.
tetisheri chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
beautifully written
Megan Lo Saurus chapter 1 . 12/22/2011
Well that was adorable. I love the history metaphors! And your characterisation was brilliant :)

Thank you for writing this!
Milva chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
Brilliant! I haven't enjoyed a fanfiction that much in years. The subtlety while making a clear point. And you stay so close to the original play/film.
Vertiges chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
I don't care you wrote this, like, 3 years ago.

I have to thank you anyway.

*start reading again*
elf warrior princess chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
beautiful. touching, sweet, but in character for both of them, as it should be.
Vexminster chapter 1 . 10/6/2009
Really good dialogue and writing. I was surprised by Dakin's tenderness, and how you kept it in-character.
Jukebox Lovechild chapter 1 . 8/28/2009
Surprisingly tender and romantic, for Dakin, I thought, but still somehow in character. Well-written, good dialogue. Really lovely.
narcoleptic86 chapter 1 . 1/8/2009
Loved it! I think you captured the dialogue between Dakin and Irwin beautifully.
Tastytime chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
It's a damn shame you have not yet been reviewed on this. A beautifully realised little story about the complexity and power of the odd relationship between Dakin and Irwin, and I enjoyed as well the subtle echoes of their student-teacher relationship. Hoping to see more