Reviews for Heart's Starlight
Siera-Knightwalker chapter 77 . 8/31/2014
What the fuck?! Doesnt taeko know anything?! The only way she can become an elemental is if kirei or her brother dies! Can someone really be that naive? What about the five years with with her mother? No bonding? What happened to gaining respect like hiei? What happened to the other guys? There is no mention of them. Kurama's kid too.
ubichromeous chapter 44 . 7/16/2013
I loved this chapter! X3
Skyla-chan.99 chapter 77 . 5/17/2013
This was such an awesome story! :D You had a unique storyline and everything was well-written. I really did finish this in like 3 days, sitting there reading like a maniac. True, that your character can sometimes be mary-sue but who cares about that when a story as great as this is lying around? XD Loved it!
Rylenae chapter 77 . 4/30/2013
Wow. I loved this whole story. I sat here and read it all in about three days. I just couldn't stop. I adore this, and am about to check for a sequel. Gosh I'm speechless when it comes to praise for this work. I thank you for sharing it, and apologize for not being able to log in and review properly.
Guest chapter 77 . 4/10/2013
A good story, the plot was quite well done. However, there were many loose ends that have not been addressed; for example, someone mentioned Fluffy. Your character did seem slightly mary-sue from the time of her training with Maa. In my opinion, your take on Keiko was very unrealistic. Keiko is one of the most important person in Yusuke's life and he would definitely give up almost everything for her, even his life. She may be a nag, but she genuinely loves Yusuke, and vice versa.

There is one review that I would have to criticize.

BindingShadows, I do agree about Kirei being mary-sue, as well as the general schooling system. However, I found that there are a few issues with what you have said. You stated that Saturday school is mandatory in Japan. This is actually not true. Saturday school depends on the school itself. Some schools will have it, while others will not. That being said, the author's point of Saturday school is valid.

Also, have you ever considered the fact that Keiko may be why Yusuke was going to school? Or maybe Kuwabara? It is a high possibility that there are factors that influenced Yusuke to attend school.

Additionally, you're talking about Yusuke's act of violence. First of all, considering how there is another dark tournament, that must mean this was at or closer to the end of the series. With this being said, Yusuke would definitely be different, meaning he would be less violent. Another major flaw in your critique is saying that a group of girls would not be talking about Yusuke. That is actually very unlikely. They may be scared of him, but that does not mean they would not talk about him. If you actually watched the series, you will see that a student, without any teachers around, accused Yusuke openly for stealing their personal belongings. With this accusation, Yusuke did not resort to violence.

I suggest you, BindingShadows, to find a more credible source for your information and to rewatch the entire series again before you start criticizing someone else's work.
bonnejean chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
This story isawesome so far, I'm actually on chapter 29 right now, not 1. I just wish the word 'hella' wasn't in the author's vocabulary.
Born of Ashes chapter 77 . 9/21/2012
3/5 stars at times just way to mary sue but still a good story
Cranberyl chapter 51 . 6/22/2012
How can u not cry? All those people dying...
Cranberyl chapter 16 . 6/13/2012
Lmfao oh crap! XDD he is so gonna slaughter her! Why must everyone provoke him? It's like teasing a cobra.
Knight Ryder chapter 55 . 6/7/2012
alone in an abandon old village children singing nursey rhymes in the background, dont get much creepier than that. I be pretty damn scare too. And i think it just so cute they reconsider each other scent.
xiannu007 chapter 77 . 10/18/2011
i just finished reading your fic and i enjoyed it, are you planning on making a sequel to this story? :)
XBloodMageRikaX chapter 77 . 10/10/2011
this story was truly amazing i enjoyed it from beginning to end. my favorite yuyu hakusho story i have read. please keep up the excellent work on your stories _
deactivatedaccount10108 chapter 77 . 9/29/2011
I really did like this story. It was frustrating at times that the main character seemed to be having the biggest emotional breakdown of her life every five minutes. From the beginning, I'd accepted her as the girl who didn't cry, and I took it to be amazingly significant when she did. But then it just kept happening... I could only feel bad for her for so long. That said, I loved the concepts. But srsly... what the hell happened to Fluffy? He flew off to that cave never to be heard from again! What about the bond when she was taken to "prison?"
Kumiko Seph chapter 77 . 5/25/2011
Littlemija69! I just finished reading...

WOW! That ending was... awesome! But it seems you left it open for a sequel! Is that what you were thinking of doing? Poor Taeko! I feel sorry for her!

I can't wait for your next fic! :D

Love youuuu! XD
Gesshoku2 chapter 77 . 12/6/2010
Please, please, please, PLEASE tell me your updating soon.
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