Reviews for No More Insecurities
ScarletHallow chapter 13 . 3/15/2016
Awww, I loved this so much! Especially Tala and Johnny as a couple with uke!Johnny in this-they were so cute! I loved their relationship! And all that backstory with his older brother and Kai being his "little bro" was a nice, interesting touch as well. Plus I normally really like Tyson but man was he a douche in this, haha. He certainly got his comeuppance but at least he somewhat made up for it in the end. Again, I really enjoyed this! And I was delighted that this was a complete fanfic as well. Nice work!
andysanime chapter 13 . 9/7/2010
Really good job on this story!
BurningWhiteTwilight chapter 13 . 3/29/2009
I can't believe its over. (sniff) It's always sad to see a good story end, but I guess there must be an ending at some point. Though I hope you do a sequel sometime.

Great job!

Tenshi-chan _
Elemental Gypsy chapter 13 . 3/26/2009
Aw, it's over now? Shame, I hope there is a sequel in the making X3

I love the part where Robert dragged a reluctant Johnny to visit Kai for help. So cute how polite Kai and Robert were to each other.

Love the sweet Miguel/kai-ness! Keep it up, please X3


Elemental Gypsy
DarkBombayAngel chapter 13 . 3/25/2009
The ending is so cute! Really love it.
Rapunzelle chapter 13 . 3/25/2009
Loved it and cannot believe it is over. The couples were just so adorable. Cannot wait till the sequel and more of your lovely updates.

Taijiya Mizu chapter 13 . 3/25/2009
It's over?


(cries) WAH! No! It cannot be true! (cries some more)

(sniff) Damnit...(pouts)

You've done great with the fic, and I wish it were still going. Sequel? OH HELL YEAH! Please? (puppy eyes)

Ja Ne

DarkBombayAngel chapter 12 . 3/16/2009
I can't believe that a kitten is swinging in Christmas lights. It's very sweet chapter.
Rapunzelle chapter 12 . 2/28/2009
Loved it, although I wanna know more of Johnny's story. Please update soon, cannot wait for more.

Elemental Gypsy chapter 12 . 2/26/2009
D'aww, ain't Miguel a darling? -glomps- I wish I could find someone like that for me, but alas, I cannot. Oh well, I'm happy in just squealing over these two!

Wonderful chapter!


Elemental Gypsy
BurningWhiteTwilight chapter 12 . 2/26/2009
WOOT! And we have an update! I'm glad everything is beginning to work out and I seriously can't wait until the next chapter!
Taijiya Mizu chapter 12 . 2/24/2009
So cute! I want someone like Miguel...(pouts) but he's taken...

Update soon!

Ja Ne
CrimsonShadowOfRegret chapter 11 . 12/31/2008
It doesn't matter how long you took. At least you're back, right?

Anyways, so that's sort of how Tala and Johnny hooked up, huh? This chapter was really cute, like at the end with Miguel and Kai! :)

Merry VERY Belated Christmas to you too!
BurningWhiteTwilight chapter 11 . 12/29/2008
I loved the Migueel/Kai stuff at the end. To bad Hiro and Tyson had to ruin it. (pouts) Hurry and update!
DarkBombayAngel chapter 11 . 12/27/2008
I love the story so far! It is so cute! Can't wait to see what happens next!
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