Reviews for Masquerade ball
MacbethWannabe chapter 1 . 12/20/2013
Loved it :D
UchihaNa chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
Aw~! Really, Caleb was just so sweet in the story! So cutee~! XD I totally loved the story! totally well written!
kandisi chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
I loved it! Caleb was so cute. Looks like he had little too much to drink at the beginning, but I'm glad Luke got him away from that girl in time. I really hope you write more on this pairing, there's simply not enough! If you do write more I will surely read. ;D

verushawkington chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
I loved this story! Very well written. I just got into The Skulls because I FINALLY sat down and watched it. Josh and Paul, AMAZING couple! lol (Well Caleb and Lucas) Thank you for writing and I hope to read more of this fandom in the near future. May even atempt my own... XD