Reviews for Blueberry Hill
YoukaiNemisis chapter 1 . 2/14/2012
I like the idea of Kanzeon, she-of-the-usually-short-attention-span, being a Sex Ed teacher. Short and funny. Thanks!
otose chapter 1 . 2/7/2010
wow this is funny! i didnt get offendid i have a sense of humor!
Otters rule the world chapter 1 . 10/9/2009
Ow my friends keep calling me naive cause I don't get it can you explain
milkteethbabydoll chapter 1 . 9/29/2009
Ha! That's just so... so... funny! Goku with a limp, I wonder why? ;)

I think I love you. o.o
SugarSyco chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
i kno that joke learned it in 2nd lmao
The Insanity556 chapter 1 . 12/15/2008
If you know this joke or not I will post it anyways, but first This story was funny. I don't know why, maybe the joke, but it was.

A teacher was teaching a class.

4 students were going in.

The teacher said "Where were you, why were you late?"

So Boy one says "I was on top of blueberry hill"

boy 2 comes in and says "I was, also, on top of blueberry hill"

boy 3 says "I, too, was on top of bluebberry hill

so the teacher interupts the only girl in the group and says "Let me guess you were on top of blueberry hill too."

So the girl says "No I am blueberry Hill."

That is about the same joke.

Some tell it a little diffrent then others, but that is the joke.

I appologise if you already know the joke, but it seemed like the best thing to do at the time while listening to Promisses by Megadeth on the laptop.
Halpert-fan chapter 1 . 8/10/2008
Haha! Okay, that was indeed! I'm a girl too, so...:) It's a definite favorite!
Riku no kage chapter 1 . 3/22/2008
rofl Nice! I should have seen the end of that coming! Er... No pun intended...?
Luna Calamity chapter 1 . 3/18/2008
ZOMG! LOL! when i first heard gojyo say he was ontop of blueberry hill, i knew the joke already! This was good man! LOL

Oxytreza chapter 1 . 3/16/2008


okay, THAT was the joke of the year!
kerumica chapter 1 . 3/15/2008
OH HAHAHAHAHAHAA! I think I heard this joke years ago and just now remembered it. That was fuckin' hysterical! Love it!

genPop chapter 1 . 3/15/2008
I remember that joke! My friend told me it! It was so funny, everybody looked at us crazy when we were the only one's laughing! I like this story.
orvida geri chapter 1 . 3/15/2008
If i wasn't so tired 4:25am i would fall out of my chair so they all had a piece of goku? is that the joke i am blueberry hill.I just love this story._
yamitammy chapter 1 . 3/14/2008
LOL I remember this joke! A classmate of mine shared it about 8 years ago, only he used Candy Lane instead of Blueberry Hill.

Your portrayed Kanzeon Bosatsu really well, it's typical of hir to complain about being bored because hir nephew and 'friends' aren't there.