Reviews for I hate Mondays
cm0011 chapter 3 . 3/8/2015
This chapter was absolutely hilarious, though it kind of got way too crazy In the end. But before the real craziness happened, I was laughing my head off hahaha.
cm0011 chapter 2 . 3/7/2015
I loveeeeee how've you've written the teasing that Yami puts Yugi through. *wooh*!
And oh Bakura, if Yami ever catches up with him...
cm0011 chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
I started reading this on another site and had to see if it was on so I could favourite it. Yami Yami Yami...that big tease. Although I love it. I love fanfictions like these where there's alot of teasing.

Haha the antics of the Yamis :P
ChibiLee chapter 1 . 9/13/2013
aw poor Yugi hehe
Mana's Madness chapter 4 . 8/30/2013
...That has got to be the best story I've ever read. Ever. It had me in laughing fits the entire time, and I loved the description of the chaos in that classroom! Makes me wish I was in that class! /brick'd

Most. Awesome. Thing. Ever!
Guest chapter 4 . 2/3/2013
This is awesomely confusing!
higurashis chapter 6 . 7/5/2012
If my mondays begain and ended like this well I would be a 4.0 student[all A's]more like a -5.5 XD
I love the strip tease Yami gave Yugi just dame that teacher to hell along with the two physco's called Bakura and Malik[the dark one]Yami's boxers...Sexy as H*ell*
Where can I find this school it sounds like so much fun for the crazy,horny,physco and demonic XD I belong to all 4 categories[Im so proud]
So that makes three detenions for the crazy boys...dear teacher there not crazy[well not fully]there horny and tired of your D*ame class! as I would be too I wouldn't even come...T-T..what would you?
Awwww I was mad when joey left[cuz if you had Seto in there well lets just say PUPPYSHIPPING
I must say this is making me wanna read a tendershipping{BakuraxRuyo right?]now just for something crazy and insanely stupid at 3:00am
Anzu NEEDED to die like when she first appered in the anime[Im twisted]I begain to hate friendship because of her T-T[I still do..Just kidding _maybe_
yugiyamisex4eva chapter 2 . 6/23/2012
finally yugi can be left alone now what happened to ryou
kurotsubasa chapter 2 . 11/27/2010
I adore how you portray the Yamis. I definitely agree that all of them would love anything that went, as you put it, "Boom!". I also enjoyed Bakura stealing Yami's clothes... I believe that is probably the best thing he has stolen to date in over 3000 yrs. My only advice is that you watch your verb tenses and the number of people you are addressing at a given time as you switch between their, his, and them in several sentences and it gets a bit confusing.

Other than that I can't wait to see what fluffy Ryou will do. HeHeh.
HaPpY bAcKwArDs chapter 1 . 6/4/2010
xD harassment!
savagen chapter 4 . 11/29/2008
Yuo are now on my favorite authors list. This was crazy and funny at the same time. XD
zypher chapter 4 . 11/24/2008
Right, so, not to offend but this story is EXTREMELY difficult to read. It's too cluttered and way too random for any cohesive chaos. If You do plan on continuing the story, try not to rush through it. I understand how easy it is to get giddy with an idea. Also, you shouldn't used all caps in a story. Maybe for a word or two to add emphasis but then again you can just used the bold function for yelling. It's just too hard to read and I can't get into the story or enjoy it.

YamiGurl chapter 4 . 11/23/2008

ZombieBlinky chapter 4 . 11/11/2008
O.O Am I within my rights to be terrified? XD! Potatoe. Dear lord, I'll never be able to look at that vegetable the same way -ever- again!
ZombieBlinky chapter 1 . 11/11/2008
Hell. If my Mondays started off like -that-. . . I'd be a lot more willing to get out of bed in the morning! Great job!
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