Reviews for Drowning In Pain
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2019
I'm so sad this story is over, it's so bittersweet to finish it
Link10076828 chapter 27 . 7/15/2019
the foreshadowing talk with navi is sad. poor link... wonder who's gonna put him in the hospital now. betting ganondorf.
MyOtherRideisaMasterCycleZero chapter 37 . 6/30/2019
Yep, I just read the whole thing again. I forgot to mention in my first review, nice full circle reference with the alarm clock, by the way! That was nicely done.

Ugh. That ending just leaves me feeling sooo mushy. I know you've been away for some time, but my God, I sure would love to see a sequel of some sort to this. Even some one shots. I just need to keep living vicariously through these two. XD
MyOtherRideisaMasterCycleZero chapter 38 . 6/27/2019
Oh. My. GOD. I don't even know where to start. I'll warn you right now that I'm probably going to just babble all over the place with this review.

This was the most wonderful, heartfelt, sweetest, FLUFFIEST, feel-good piece of work I have ever read. I am devastated that it's all over. D:

I so strongly respect and admire your dedication to finishing this story over 10 FREAKIN YEARS. It gives me some hope that some of the unfinished fics I've stumbled across may some day be finished... hahaha lol. Honestly, though, mad props. I read this whole thing over about three days, and was quite fascinated seeing the difference between those first 15 chapters, and the later ones. You've really blossomed into an amazing writer. I hope to God you are still writing in some way, shape, or form, because you are incredibly good at it!

The story itself - first off, THANK YOU for NOT making Link and Dark's relationship all about jealousy and uncertainty and all that stressful, torturous junk. I honestly am not normally into romance stories because that stuff drives me right up the wall, I have no patience for it at all. Maybe that's my age and jaded cynicism speaking, but it's true. Lol. I admit, I could barely handle the bit of uncertainty happening in the prom after-party chapter so I skipped ahead to the end AND I NEVER DO THAT BECAUSE IT'S SACRILEGE and breathed the biggest sigh of relief when I realized Link and Dark where about to go to bed together (melt!) OH, and thank you for having them say their "I love you's" before that point. Seriously, so hot and incredibly underrated in today's world.

I've always felt that this kind of pure love only happens in stories, and not real life (and that is DEFINITELY my cynicism talking). But I think a lot can be learned from these two. Yes, they share an extremely rare connection - and that's half the battle - but they TALK to each other. They *communicate*. They constantly tell each other what they need - during sex (so hot), when they're upset, when they're happy. And they genuinely take care of each other. It is honestly the most beautiful thing ever. So I think they'll be okay. :)

Again, thank you for this story. I'm all warm and fluffy inside and these are not normal feelings for me. XD
Link10076828 chapter 9 . 2/4/2019
You should of made link say “somebody hand me... a knife” when he was sleeping.
ouiouicansee chapter 38 . 10/10/2017
Aaah? I just had to make an account to review this fic because I love it so much. I’ve read this so many times, and I just have to say every time you edit this, I notice, and it’s like *Darks voice* reading the chapters all over again for the first time, lol. I just want you to know little changes like that don’t go under appreciated, it makes me so happy every time. If you don’t mind me asking, why do you edit so frequently? It’s really interesting, I don’t see many people do that. **Also, I think it’s hilarious how after Link & Dark finisih doing the dirty in this chapter, Dark was like “Without you, I’d be fucked.” Like buddy...pal... you kinda just finished getting fucked LOL. So I guess he’d be fucked either way, but in the pleasurable way with Link, rather than without him, lmao
Guest chapter 38 . 8/14/2017
angelboy009 chapter 38 . 4/23/2017
oohhhhhh woooow! that ending was too sweeet! :'( this chapter was sooo good altogether! i was so lucky to find this story when it was almost ending, because wow ten years. that almost makes this fic feel legendary? it's so good i think it deserves that title ;)) but congrats on finally finishing! i don't think i've ever seen a fic run for so long without the author giving up,? so i applaud you on that! and no worries on me pointing out stuff, honestly that was just me being curious but i really appreciate the mention so thank you. :) i promise to keep being curious if you continue to write because i'd really love to see more since i enjoyed this fic so much :D
Smoking Owl Bones chapter 38 . 4/19/2017
oh god. okay. wow. where do I even start? I'm a mess right now trying to write this tbh.

first of all I was really surprised to same my username when I opened the update, and like, really really happy. and I laughed sooo hard. I don't know why? I feel honored almost hdhdjdjdd wow

dudeeee when I first saw the update my heart literally leaped out of my chest like! holyy shitttt. I think I even teared up a little bit because I knew it was over and just wow. I read this chapter about 10 times. usually I review right away but I just couldn't find the words. I don't know what it is about your writing but it never gets boring like...?what the fuck teach me

first of all let me just say, that I love, love, LOVE how you can see Link and Darks dynamic changed over the course of those two years. Like they're still the same people, but, more open, and like—vulnerable with each other? you depicted that beautifully, and just ughhhhh. It makes my heart melt so much.

speaking of vulnerability...THAT BOTTOM DARK IS A WOO HOLY SHIT. I saw that review and I was PRAYINGGGGG that you would put it in there somehwere because I realllyyyy needed that in my life and in this fic! it was sooo sweet with nervous yet needy Dark, omg you really outdid yourself there.

ALSO I'M SO HAPPY YOU PUT SHIEK AND SARIA IN THERE! for some reason I was afraid you wouldn't which is ridiculous but you always pull through; and I love the whole gangs relationship. I'm literally Shiek and Saria gushing over Dark and Link and calling them grossly cute like wow how accurate.

the last scene I think is my favorite though... ughhhhhh I just love the fluffiness soooo much, like you don't understand! they're so soft with each other no matter how much Dark doesn't want to admit it like :((( i'm puddle of tears and feelings thinking about it. to know that Link and Dark are so much more intimate with each other now... and plus they do the nose thing? my heart is in pain

I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved this fic and your writing in general. Like, it's just so different from any writing style I've seen before and it pulls me back everytime. I looked forward to; yet dreaded the ending of this fic but you ended it so well that I can't even be upset. (that's a lie I was BAWLING by the end of this chapter but fuck it) I can't even tell you how many times I reread this fic and I'm about to do it again like I just NEVER get tired of it. It's my favorite thing and I'm so happy you decided to share it. I'm just in awe all the time. I just can't believe after so long this fic is finally over. It's so bittersweet. you've grown so much as a writer and it's really heartwarming to see that, I keep thinking your writing could never exceed my expectations more than it already has but it mever fails to do so and just wow.

I just love this fic so, so, so, so, SO much. If I'm ever in a bad mood this fic is the first thing I open, it just makes me so happy. genuinely. thank you sooo much for writing this fic. Like I can't begin to express how grateful I am but I tried.

this fic is always going to be in my heart.
Des-Deactivated chapter 38 . 4/17/2017
Im a mess right now this story was the first zelda fic i ever read and it's been such a journey reading it i cant believe it's finished. im in tears because i just loved everything about this and im so thankful for you as a writer and just:... omg. im shook. cant believe it's over. tysm for sharing this ride of a story/work of art!
Agbyrdcwyhfdsdgjhdgjbf chapter 38 . 4/17/2017
Me: *plays Fire Emblem* *Checks email while playing*
Inner Me: Go to the Junk mail
Me: But there's not gonna be an update anyway, I don't wanna rea-
Inner Me: Do it

Oh boy am I glad that my dark side convinced me!
And oh my gosh, I can't believe that we're finally here, the END! Whaaat?
And I don't even know what to say! It's just like... gwaaaah! It's so hard to accept!

Your story... I don't even know if I could compare you to anyone else, it's just.. Too good! Your writing is so mature yet care-free! Like, it makes me feel like "Oh my god I didn't even know that that fancy word even existed and still she uses it in an sentence about poop!"
Or in other words, well balanced. (Forget the other thing pls)
And the interaction between the characters! In some fics the author make the people meet the first chapter and then a second later they be like "let's fvuck" , BUT YOU AREN'T LIKE THAT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THANK YOUU

Ok, that was a very rough example, but you get my point, right?


Ahem, anyways... The story? Yeah. Love it. Top Notch.
...Give me your secret powers of writing... Hmm, maybe we could do like, a brain transfer thing? We could like, 'Switch'? (Pun very intended)
Though... I don't think you wanna look inside my brain... It's filled with constant thoughts of eating so yeeeaah. I'd spare you the experiance. ;)

That aside, I'm very surprised by myself right now. Everytime I finish reading, watching or doing something very fun, it always gives me that empty feeling everytime I finish that thing. It's like "Welp, now what are you going to now? You should probably go sulk in bed or something, you little shitterino"

Yeah kinda like that.

But I don't know how to describe it, I just feel... fulfilled? Like a weight has been lifted off my chest? Something like that, and man does it feel awesome! Instead of feeling like crying it's the opposite! Haha!

Wait... Oh gosh, oh hope you didn't take it as "every other story makes me sad after it's end because I want more but yours didn't really mean anything"
I'd rather feel happy than sad! You should be proud that no other story has made me feel 'happily ever after reading' y'know! And actually, I hope it stays that way. Or else it won't be as special anymore, and we can't have that, can we?

Hmm.. Oh geez! I get carried away easily, eh? Well, you probably want to get rid of me now, I've been bothering you for too long!
I hope that this won't be the last of your writing, though. Maybe you can write some Dark/Link for the Breath of The Wild Timeline, eh? ;)
Haha, no pressure for that though.

I do truly wish you the bestest of luck for the present and the future, and that even though life is a little shitterino, you'll still punch it right in the face! Here, have these very real and existing cookies, from me!

Yours truly,

has stopped working... Windows is searching for a solution to the problem...

Problem: Review window went overboard with too much text...

Do you want to shut down ?
Lucio O chapter 38 . 4/17/2017
Lucio: Amazing! Absolutely AMAZING! I can't express my love and adoration of this fic. Ten years of perfection. Lol. Makes me believe in, "All good things come to those who wait."
Pidge09 chapter 35 . 4/12/2017
Loveeee the Dark being Links shadow reference , I didnt catch it the first time ;D
srahixumi chapter 37 . 3/27/2017
"I know now I care less about what people think of me because of you, because you make me stronger every day" ...what the FUCK...I...might be crying? Just a lil bit. I can't believe how much Dark is completely enamored with Link & LOVES him?It's super gross 10/10
Guest chapter 37 . 2/26/2017
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