Reviews for The Count's World, Episode 1
Driftstar - Leader of TreeClan chapter 1 . 4/24
My heart hurts with the nostalgia of this terrific series. It really was a bit part of my childhood. So, I'm gonna read it all again! I think I actually might have missed a few episodes somewhere along the way, and it's been so long since I first read it, it'll seem brand new!

I plan to leave a review after every chapter. It'll take me a bit, but I've got all summer!

I love how you just throw us into the action despite there being so many unknowns right at the start. Why is Dimentio back? How are Tippi and Bleck back for that matter? When did this new 'perfect world' project start? I'm sure we'll find out soon, but it doesn't matter right now because it's ACTION TIME. And I love that the boys have no idea how to deal with love, so something tells me this will be a mess.

Also, "If you try it, I will send your head to a different dimension than your body" is one of the best lines I've ever read.
Sparkling-nexis137 chapter 4 . 10/20/2015
What a fun story! I always love a good pilot episode, and this was absolutely a good one! I can't wait to read more! Great job!
Jairo chapter 4 . 12/30/2014
Malica15 chapter 3 . 12/21/2014
Ah, the return of Mr. L. Yours in particular is a pretty different take, but is awesome all the same. It's cool how he seems like such a gentleman here while still being Luigi, and not as his hypnotized counterpart.

You put in Mr. L's being a gentleman (well, I assume that he is a gentleman, presuming that Luigi isn't good with talking to women) while also mixing in some of the genuineness that Luigi inherits.

It's a pretty good take on my favorite Mario character of all time. :)
Malica15 chapter 2 . 12/21/2014
Haha, that was nice to read for the third time. XD I loved the romantic connection to Count Bleck and Tippi, but goodness, Dimentio and Mimi had such a different kind of connection! When Dimmy said that he and Mimi had a thing, I didn't know whether to say 'aww' or laugh! I also loved O'Chunks' subtlety in this. That's probably what I love about your stories - if you give us a particular plot or pairing in the story, you don't shove it in our mouth and force us to swallow it; you feed us so quietly and quickly that we don't even know that we already ate it.

...Oh dear, I guess I'm not as good as metaphors as I thought. I think I need extreme help from the Master of Dimensions himself.

BTW, I love how you make Gary and Sherwood seem like such an unimportant thing here. I think I remember going back to this story before reading the next one because I forgot who the two X-Nauts were. XD
Malica15 chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
This review marks the start of my flood in your inbox!

...Enjoy, I guess.

This was a nice starting chapter to a series! All the minions are written very closely to the original game, which is awesome, since most authors have a difficulty doing so (myself included - when I tried writing an SPM one-shot, I gave up easily). It's especially tricky to write them in such a way when they're in completely different environments (from evil to good, for example) so nice job! There are some typos here and there, but they're not TOO distracting, so it's a-okay. :)
PurpleKittyFangirl - ARCHIVE chapter 4 . 4/21/2014
This was AMAZING! I'm more of a BleckXNastasia person, but that talk at the end with Tippi and Nastasia was my absolute favorite part considering I always wondered how those two would interact. I also loved Mimi and Dimentio! Great job!
SpaceDimentio chapter 4 . 10/23/2013
Everytime I read this, it gets better and better, and Dimentio never fails to make me laugh.
Nintendo Nincompoop chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
Very interesting concept for your story. :) Keep it up.
Random Dawn 14 chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
"If you try it, I will send your head to a different dimension than your body," said Bleck.

Omg so epic! XD

SpaceDimentio chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
So Dimentio's not evil, Tippi's still a butterfly ans is not Timpani, and Count Bleck's not known as Blumiere?
Ginger the Espeon chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
O'chunks:My name is O'CHUNKS!My parents didn't love me!BOOHOO BOOHOOHOO!LOL ROFLMAO
Ribke chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
Seriously, how did Dimentio got back? I don't care if the answer is really disturbing, I've asked and regretted MANY times before; I just wanna know: HOW THE HELL DID HE COME BACK? XD
ShadowAngel7 chapter 3 . 9/4/2010
Well, actually, if you think about it, and this is just a theory, maybe she does have a back after all. Maybe she is a fairy and you just can't see her body. I mean, just think of Navi from Ocarina Of Time (Legend Of Zelda) She is a fairy, but you don't ever see her body during the game. All you see is a ball of light and wings. So, it is possible that she is a fairy.
Froststar423 chapter 4 . 4/19/2010
OmG! This is great! I'm totally going to check out the other episodes, like, right now and stuff! :D

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