Reviews for Cheaper Than Therapy
TigerintheTARDIS chapter 2 . 12/6/2015
This is one of my favourite Ryan/Taylor fics ever, (which is pretty difficult because you have some really good ones). The black book and the stalking is soo Taylor and Ryan just made my heart swell the entire time.
Basslady chapter 2 . 9/27/2009
"But there was something else – the electricity rolling over his skin, the heaviness in his lungs that soaked through the rest of him, making him… making him what?

Making him feel."

The story is amazing , and I love the way you write :D

Taylor and Ryan 3 3
litme chapter 2 . 10/5/2008
Loved both chapters, really really good writing!
FroggyJump chapter 2 . 7/20/2008
As you know I love your stories and I trying to go through them without oding on R/T.

Cheaper Than Therapy is another shining example of why I like your style. This:

"Because he’d never felt so wanted as he did with her. No one in his life had ever made such an effort to be with him. No one had ever fought so hard for him. Even his family – who’d taken him in and saved him – hadn’t put themselves out there like she did. It made him feel wanted and desired and valid. Because it wasn’t just circumstances throwing them together, it was her persistence and her absolute certainty that they belonged together. Hell, she’d flown six thousand miles just to see him."

is what I like to read in stories sometimes. The will to stick it out. I felt for Taylor's vulnerability and cursed out Ryan for being scared and running.

So at the end I was glad I read this because I really enjoyed it.
Samala90 chapter 2 . 7/19/2008
This is my favorite of yours so far. That is saying quite a lot considering how amazing I think you are, just as I've gushed about in all my gazillion reviews today.

I just worshiped this!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/19/2008
Good chapter, you should post more ASAP.
Bymaga Jones chapter 2 . 5/28/2008
Another slam dunk. You have a way of combining small details with inner dialogue that is so effective. I loved both chapters, and I think the second one from Ryan's POV provided a well-rounded story with an incredible ending. Loved it loved it loved it.
Flatfin chapter 2 . 5/28/2008
Well this was a pleasant surprise, although i'm a touch hurt that you didn't tell me you were doing chapter 2!

This really makes so much sense to me, particularly Ryan taking so much from Taylor's stalking efforts. he's never really had someone properly take their interest in him to such extremes, but he can't help but feel loved because it's her, it's his Taylor. The one he knows and loves.

I've re-read chapter one and two and it's just such a fantastic contrast between the two, particularly how I feel Taylor is searching to find herself again, to find that missing piece to bring her back to reality, and Ryan noticing that she wasn't herself to begin with.

They need each other.

I could ramble on and on but there are too many perfect lines in the story that I won't rehash them all here, I was just so pleased with how this had turned out.

Thank you once again for sharing, you're really a fantastic, dedicated and talented writer.

Ave x x x
krisz chapter 2 . 5/28/2008
Oh, I forgot about this one! I am probably one of the ones that asked about writting form Ryan's POV and I am so glad you did.

You can really get into both of their heads so well. I really enjoyed this. My favorite part besides obviously I am glad she decided to stay, was when Ryan was wondering what would make her keep such an old beat up book that wasn't perfect and it was HIM. Loved that part, just brilliant.

Thanks for writting and sharing.
fastforwarddd chapter 2 . 5/27/2008
Wow honestly, you're an amazing writer.

Loved it.


Wish I had more to say, but all I can think is amazing!
whitelilly0989 chapter 2 . 5/27/2008
Aw, this is definitely my fav story of yours. Something about... how different their point of views are from all your stories and somehow still true to the characters. i love it... really really do.

This is definitely the best thing, in my book, that you've written for RT.

TheChic chapter 2 . 5/27/2008
Oh my. What a conundrum these 2 face. So bound to each other, and so determined to push each other away with their fears.

"It was worse, because he wished she expected more of him.

She was so good at reading him; if she expected him to be a better person, then it would be because he was a better person. But the fact that she didn’t expect it from him meant that he truly was awful." - - it shouldn't seem strange that Ryan seeks validation from her, but for some reason, it is.

"He told himself not to get his hopes up. He told himself not to panic, but it was too late. She’d already broken him, she’d already made him feel again. So it was too late, because the panic and the fear and the overwhelming pain was already there, choking him, making his muscles go tight and his head start to pound." - - He tries so very hard NOT to feel, and yet he does. For her.

"She shouldn’t be this attached – it wasn’t healthy. He chose to ignore the fact that he was just as obsessed, just not in such an obvious way." - - this followed by the whole 'haunted' passage, makes me see how very much a part of his very fiber she has become.

"their relationship always had an expiration date. But now? If she was coming here, there’d be no end to rely on. He’d have to commit" - - Ah yes, and her is the crux of the matter. Thank you for letting Ryan rise to the occassion.

These 2 parts played such lovely counterpoints to each other. Very very nicework.
11nivea342 chapter 2 . 5/27/2008
i'd nearly forgotten about this piece! i think i read it since i have you on author alert but i went back and re-read it and just... love it.

first off, the smut is hot hahaha. ;) you write the BEST ryan/taylor smut, it's so them!

second, the emotions are amazing. i almost feel raw from the hurt and pain they felt at the two year separation and how they're dealing with it. the little bits, the movements, ryan going to the bar, the shift in behavior, the eyes, the hoping, the wishing, the wanting... you are a master at these two, you have it down so perfectly, i tell you, perfectly.

-Because he’d never felt so wanted as he did with her. No one in his life had ever made such an effort to be with him. No one had ever fought so hard for him.-

i think that line just describes ryan's emotions toward taylor perfectly. unlike marissa, taylor has fought tooth and nail to be with him, never giving up, giving him an excuse to run. i think ultimately that's what ryan needs. :) so perfect.

thanks for the amazing piece. i'll hvae to come back and read it more often since now 'vegas' is done and i loved that story. i still need to go back and re-read that in the whole since it's complete now. :) great work, love your post-finale stuff. :)
iris chapter 1 . 3/14/2008
i loved this.. you got taylor down perfectly!

"the book that she pretended to read while watching him" - hahahaha..

i really liked how you described their relationship in the last paragraph, and the last line is really funny..

another great oneshot!
blahhx49 chapter 1 . 3/14/2008
Loved this one. The stalking side of Taylor will never get old.

I like how you descibe how much Taylor desperately wanted Ryan in the beginning. She has a little black book to prove it.

I definitely liked how Ryan tortures Taylor by just hovering her and not kissing her. Poor Taylor.

Awesome oneshot!
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