Reviews for Steadily Fading
TheSmilingRose chapter 3 . 3/3/2019
Wow... that’s all I can think to say is just wow... this was greatly written and well put together... oh gosh wow the tragedy of that spoke volumes
goldacharmed chapter 3 . 8/19/2012
This story is amazing! I love it, so well written and a very original plot.
BerryEbilBunny chapter 3 . 2/22/2012
Oh god. Evil Danny? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! But seriously: great ending. Very fascinating in a slightly morbid sense.
Me chapter 3 . 12/28/2011
dpluver chapter 3 . 9/27/2011
I'm stunned, to be honest. That was one of the most beautiful, yet tragic DP stories I've ever read. Need to go ready something humorous before I cry...
reckless is a wreck chapter 3 . 10/3/2010
I absolutely adore this. It kept my eyes glued to the screen the whole time. I was gunna read only one chapter, and read the rest later, but I couldn't. I had to keep reading. I love how you write, it's clean and easy to understand, yet sounds good too. Seriously, great job. I love the plot idea too. It's really cool :)
Amethyst Ocean chapter 3 . 11/2/2009
I almost cried at the end.

So angsty... you write it so well. ;-; Curse your amazing skills... curse them...

... :3
Illadaran chapter 3 . 8/26/2009
Right now I'm really crying, actually sobbing
FullMetal-edwardelric-fangirl chapter 3 . 8/21/2009

Poor Danny. Poor Sam...

Oh gosh, life sucks for them.

Oh well, they'll deal with it, I guess. O_o Anywho, good story. Plenty of drama, that I can really say. It was kinda upsetting, too...But good! Very, very good...


Okay, anyway, I'll be popping up somewhere else, I'm sure, so be prepared! XD

Ja ne!
Amour de l'eau chapter 3 . 8/20/2009
Yay! Twisted ending! ;]. It was an amazing story with a greatly horrible ending. Poor Danny and Sam. Tucker and the rest of the Fentons too. Great idea and plot too. Do you think Dani will turn out the same since they share the same DNA? Hm. . . Wonders. :].
Donteatacowman chapter 3 . 7/25/2009
Wow. Critiquing time!

I really don't think that Danny would immediately go over to the dark side like that without reason. His ghostly obsession has always been to protect Amity Park, and I think he would cling to that for a while until he eventually realized the hollowness of his actions.


The idea for this story was superb and I think the execution of it was wonderful as well. Very emotional and all but the part I spoke about above seemed very in-character. Thank you very much for writing!
Embers of Inspiration chapter 3 . 11/12/2008
Absolutely superb! Sniffs, my goodness, I'm still tearing up over here...

Relly wonderful. It takes something special to make me cry. Good job!
ShinigamiDeathscytheSan chapter 3 . 6/23/2008
wow. thats like sad! great job!... and i'm like speechless too... and why do i keep saying 'like'? i'm so faving this like yeah...


i mean LIKE seriously, what's with me?

0100000000 chapter 3 . 3/31/2008
Great story! But dont EVER let any other story end that way.. I allmost had to cry myself ;P Good job. -Edel
Pravus Malum chapter 1 . 3/30/2008
Time to review the of consciousness style!:

my goodness, your style's sounding more and more intellectual, if you know what i mean...i like the baseball thing, i felt the same way when i was little...haha! Tucker is so silly, i love him...i like the irony, how danny is called as a peacemaker on both a gigantic and an interpersonal's "i nervously peeked back at the RUCKUS" not the "raucous"...okay, NO WAY would Tucker ever use the word 'putrid', or anyone for that matter, careful liv...haha, "waltzing around" once again, eh?...whoah, you ended a sentence with a preposition? quite unlike you, "i had to" obvious guess is danny's losing all that's human of him left, and sam is the only thing holding him down...ooh, green blood...oh, it's the 'hero phase' quite like harry potter's that danny is going through...YOU KNOW WHAT? SAM SHOULD ASK VLAD FOR HELP AND PROMISE ANYTHING, ANYTHING! I'm sure Maddi would agre if she knows Danny's dying, and if Danny won't tell her, Sam certainly would...

this, i would say, is a 'sensation story' in the making. I can just PREDICT all the horrible things that can and probably will happen. I miss your old humor, but of course, I recognize this is a different style (which may or may not have been affected by Davis's endless essays) and am willing to forgo the bombastic language you hold so dear :). I know, I'm being , back to the vernacular: sounds good so far, livy, let's see how this is going to go. i will be EXPECTING ye olde vlad the viciously victorious to come and save the day. yup yup, so looking forward to that
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