Reviews for Say itSong Fic
Broken Sexed Up Bloody Kitten chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! I loved this the most of all;

"If you tell me you love me, even it's a lie," Sasuke grazes his lips, wet with tears, across his brother's soft lips. "I will damn my own soul for you Itachi."
ArAnCaR No. 6 chapter 1 . 9/14/2009
Aww... how cute and sentimental... I love it!
SkywardShadow chapter 1 . 10/26/2008
Beautiful, powerful, sad and deep. Awesome job.
asmasc chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
Funny thing is I haven't read that chappy...I mean I am up todate on them...but I lost what chappy I had been on, as the one computer broke, and I was having to read all my Manga on my mom's laptop... And I couldn't remmeber where I was..I remember I was past the area where Gaara almost died...Where Sai becomes the replacement for Sasuke...Like I said I forget, so I just started with reading teh current chappy that was the curent chappy atm, and then I just went from on from teh rambling to the actual reveiw

Since this is my favorite incestious pairing in the Naurto Universe (Then comes Sandcest), I find this really a cute fic, becuase now that we know *if you are up todate on Naruto all the way up to teh current one now* that Itachi was indeed good, it really does contradict the earlier part of the Manga...blah blah blah, I'm rambling is good...I've never done a song fic...I need to do More yaoi writing..
SilverFlameoftheWindScar chapter 1 . 4/15/2008
Aw! That was so sweet! I think I got a cavity! I know the story is supposed to be "sad, sorrowful, and gonna make you cry," but I just can't! I luv the happy ending! It's so FLUFFY! XD
SoundSystem chapter 1 . 3/26/2008

Congratulations, you have just made me an ItaSasu fan. It was a hard triumph, too, since I'm a die hard narusasu fan and hate anything having to do with Sasuke being with someone else. *gives congratulatory cake* You deserve it!

Very touching, I really liked it!
Kasai Oni Urufu chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
Wow. That was so good.

It gave me chills.

kitsunecoyote chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
This is beautifully, let me repeat, BEAUTIFULLY written. You're going to continue this, right?
ChaosFTW chapter 1 . 3/4/2008
Not really a terjerker, but it was good! Emotional fics are da best, especially where Iatchi is concerned. Great job, keep up da good work -