Reviews for The Lone Wolf
VampirateLycan chapter 4 . 8/3/2018
Honestly. People need to learn to wait for others to leave earshot.

Lol liking this so far
Anastasia Cross chapter 39 . 1/8/2016
The epilogue made me cry... this was an absolutely beautiful story...
Anastasia Cross chapter 7 . 1/3/2016
I'll take a midnight flight with Severus 3 story shows promise
Guest chapter 39 . 1/17/2015
HOW COULD YOU! I thought to were different *sniff* I thought YOU weren't as Heartless as her! YOU EVIL PERSON! how could you kill remus and tonks? but apart from that, great story!i
axdxa chapter 19 . 1/11/2015
This is the first piece of writing that I have read in my whole life that has made me cry! You should write a book or something. I'd be the first to buy a copy.
reader chapter 35 . 10/13/2013
this is where you diappoint me. Remus' coming back home after running away was one of the development points for their relationship and you haven't shown that well. I mean in your story he was away for five months and yet when he returned there wasn't even a sorry or guilt from his part that he had abandoned his wife. Tonks taking him back was understandable but forgiving and forgetting what he has done was a bit unbelievable. You covered this part very hastily as if you just wanted to get over with it.
He left. He came back. And they are happy. He had broken her trust, abandoning his preg wife in times like these there must be more feelings.

And tonks shouting on her mother is not understandable either. Andromeda's reaction is more appropriate that she' hurt because remus hurt her daughter.
I am disapointed. This is what it is like in most fics. That he just comes back and she forgives him in the blink of an eye.
lovemya2000 chapter 39 . 8/29/2013
Great Story!
bob maisyion chapter 23 . 3/26/2013
Chunk n.a. cc hmm mcr tv y2k bc gov svc he dc j xxx yet a we
queenofserendipity chapter 39 . 11/3/2012
I just finished reading this fanfiction and I'm crying but smiling at the same time. I can't find the words in me to tell you how much I thank you and love you for writing this story. I know it's been so long since the battle of Hogwarts, when we lost Tonks, Remus and so many other wonderful witches and wizards, but until I read this fanfiction, I was never really over it. You've given me a bittersweet peace. This is an excellently written story, I love it so much. I'll honestly never be able to thank you enough.
Lobster chapter 39 . 12/13/2011
Beautifully written ending. So sad.
fabricated fantasies chapter 39 . 2/15/2011
This is a really gorgeous story; you have a real feel for the characters, and each sub-arc of the plot moves into the next one, as well as the major arc. Great job, this is truly a great piece.
Sophie chapter 39 . 12/1/2010
So I just read this in it's entirity today. It's 1:50am and I'm tearing up. This was honestly just amazing, and thank you for writing it. :)
Under the Cover of Darkness chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
I like the beginning, especially the part about Madeye saving Tonks at the end and the Death Eaters.

Looks to be promising. Can't wait to continue reading.
Under the Cover of Darkness chapter 14 . 8/29/2010
The part about Sirius was so sad. He was going to propose, too. (

Great job. Very interesting and intriguing. Love the story )
uncontrollableranter chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
promising beginning!

I just had to review before I went on because the date on the first chapter is my birthday! YAY! lol NOW I have to keep reading!

Fenrir greyback...shudder.
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