Reviews for New Neighbors
meladi1 chapter 69 . 2/2/2018
Hah, I never liked Marluxia either. Arrogant prick and the hardest silhouette in my ll in my experience. I don't know if you have played khux cross, if not, don't read the next line

I Especially hate him now that we know(sorta) of his past in Khux cross. Sonofabitch! I don't care how cute I looks in chibi form, he's a downright bastard!
meladi1 chapter 55 . 2/1/2018
You know, I just realized something stupid and I can't remember if you wrote about it but It's So stupid. Since Demyx and Axel shares a bathroom, does that mean Zexion and Saix share theirs, or does Saix has his own since he's second in command? I don't know why, but the thought makes me want to laugh so hard you cannot believe it. I can just imagine all their clashes and disagreements concerning the bathroom
gaumeguro chapter 22 . 3/12/2014
What is it with you and vomit I CANT STOP LAUGHING
xXSarcasticAngelXx chapter 124 . 1/31/2013
No axel stop being an insensitive asshole
xXSarcasticAngelXx chapter 81 . 1/24/2013
ya axdem
xXSarcasticAngelXx chapter 97 . 1/21/2013
awsome demyx grew a pair
Lincolnthearcher chapter 74 . 12/4/2012
...just wondering... Do you enjoy watching purple throw up? Cuz it sends like there's a lot if it in this fic.

Also, that's the best nickname for Axel I've heard yet. Firecrotch. I gotta remember that.
Twisted Ink Incorporated chapter 3 . 8/20/2012
"Rock Star" ... I liked that, no matter how macabre of a situation it was used in. xD
And yes, poor Demy! *punches your arm*
I think Axel would be a little more pissed if someone soaked him in the middle of the night, but who knows?
Great so far, moving on!
Twisted Ink Incorporated chapter 2 . 8/20/2012
Huh. I haven't seen a characterization of Demyx quite like this before. It's always bubbly Demyx and I've even seen a snobbish Demyx, but never introverted and shy. I'm really surprised that I actually love it!
Really, it makes more sense for him to be like this in an Akudemy fanfiction. I personally prefer Zemyx but I'm really enjoying this so far!
Anyway, love it! Thank you for placing this here for the world to admire! :)
not-quite-legit chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
Oh, how have I NOT reviewed this yet? I am SO SO sorry. Iread this forever ago and Idon't think I ever posted a review.
This story is wonderful. Truly brilliant. I recently reread it- the whole thing, I couldn't tear myself away after the first couple of chapters- and I laughed, I cried, and I grew to love the way you portrayed all of the characters. You made the Organization feel more real and mature to me than any other story I've read on this website, and I salute you for it. The characters all had real, legitimate problems that made it feel so much less like a harem designed to draw teenage girls in and so much more like a dysfunctional group of real people trying to learn to live with each other and work towards a common goal. The last few chapters were heart-rending.
Sorry if this was a little rant-y, but it's about 4am here and I'm really tired... anyway, THANK YOU for this amazing story. C': Perfection.
TheBadgerGirl chapter 30 . 12/7/2011
OMG! I was in the middle of my Geometry test while I was reading this. (I'm Homeschooled) I feel so bad for poor Demy...
PipBernadotte13 chapter 124 . 9/24/2011
hi, i read the entire story of new neighbor. and i absolutely loved it. i am a die hard Axel fan, but your story made me see him in a totally new light. these last two chapters had me literally crying. you really captured Demyx's heart brake and Axel's ignorance to the fact. you are a fantastic writer. i look forward to reading more of your work.

Truely a Work of Art,

DemonSurfer chapter 124 . 8/18/2011

Considering that this was the last fic I read before taking my four year hiatus from fanfction, I felt it was only right that I come back and see how it ended.
PurpleTurle3711 chapter 1 . 5/8/2011
I was looking through your stories and I read this one's description and thought it sounded interesting. So I looked the chapters and was like 'WTF? 124 chapters!' That's the longest story I've ever seen on fanfiction, along with the largest amount of reviews I've ever seen! I determined to read it all in one day. But I'll probably fail.
AsianTwinkiesFTW chapter 124 . 3/26/2011
Demyx needs to express his feelings instead of locking them up. ):

Great stories though :D

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