Reviews for A New Fear
DeathDragon130 chapter 8 . 12/3/2009
deathdragon130 chapter 6 . 10/27/2009
Hey! I love the plot of this story and its twist on it! I hope you update soon!
Ridkey chapter 6 . 4/11/2009
I think this has to be one of the better AU Fatal Frame fanfics I've read. It's a shame this section isn't bigger- you could probably be one of the big players. Also, I like Akemi. It's rare for me to say I like an OC, but I like her. She's a very real character, with realistic fear and natural emotions. I think I skipped what age she was though. If she's Mafuyu's age, I can see a potential romance between them, which, if Kirie still thinks he's her murdered lover, might put her in danger. That won't happen if she's Miku's age though... And what happened to Miku? I'd have thought Mafuyu would have seen an 'image' of her moving around the mansion by now. Of course, I haven't played this game yet, nor have I been able to watch the playthroughs on youtube past 3.

I can think up half a dozen questions and ideas for this fic, but I think I'll stop there. You've done a great job. Can't wait to see more.
MysteryLaUgHiNgmaN chapter 6 . 10/3/2008
LOL who is it being hang please...god hope it not Miku after all she is one of the characters with a role without dieing LOL
The Invisible Fan chapter 6 . 6/2/2008
Interesting! At first I thought that this would just be a retelling of FF1 with Mafuyu instead of Miku. I'm really excited to see where this is going to go next. I like how Mafuyu is active about using his sixth sense to help him. I'm also curious to see what is up with Akemi. I keep hoping Mafuyu will accidentally get her in a picture when a ghost is around so we can see if there's any ropes or if she's really a ghost.

I can't wait to read more _
Emily chapter 5 . 4/14/2008
I really love this story.

I'm a big- huge- GINORMOUS fan of the game. :D lol

please continue
Mermaid Ninja chapter 2 . 3/15/2008
A perfect "tweak" would be Kirie being reunited with her true love. Then they could be together forever.
Sugarbubbleslove chapter 1 . 2/28/2008
It's about time someone wrote a fic for the first game! I was getting tired of seeing the fic for the second game and trust me, that wasn't scary at all!

I love the beginning and I really hope you will continue, I'm curious to why the girl says Miku is dead and what's ber background. Will this be a Mafuyu/OC fanfiction? Just curious.

I really do hope you will come back!