Reviews for Tongue Tied
girlinasnowglobe chapter 2 . 4/14
Okay, this is amazing, and I'm obsessed with it. :D Can't wait to binge read it.
CassieSalvatore1864 chapter 3 . 3/31
Henderson, Daniels, and Burns already have names. Isaac Henderson, David Daniels (Dave is a nickname), and Bernard Burns.
Other than that little fun fact (one that I only found out a few days ago), this is a good story so far and I look forward to binge-reading the rest of it.
Gonch Ni chapter 22 . 6/28/2019
I did not, in fact, pull an all-nighter but it was a close thing. This story was so good, and so fun, and so cute, and oh my god I loved it! I took every free moment I had to read it, and now I’m off to it’s sequel!
Gonch Ni chapter 1 . 6/26/2019
First fic I read in this fandom and I gotta tell you, this is such a great start. I’m hooked! It’s so well written and interesting, and I’m definitely finishing it now. Will probably pull an all-nighter to do it, too
Hilaryh25 chapter 18 . 1/11/2019
Im still reading but Maddie has me cracking up laughing at her wit lol i love it
Kallia.En chapter 22 . 8/22/2018
The first time I came across this story was years ago. I loved it. And still do lol, couldn't wait to get home from work.
Same as the following stories about Madeline. I just wanted to say thank you again as I don't think there are enough comments and praise! What an amazing job, perfect characters and Maddie is just the right amount of crazy to fit right in lol :)
Old fan chapter 22 . 7/24/2018
Hi, I would just like to say that this story is one of the best stories in this website. I visit your profile once in a while just to check if you have updated return of the medjai. I also noticed that you edited this recently so I just reread the story now. I do hope that you would start editing self-esteem soon so that you will be able to continue return of the medjai. Keep up the good work!
GabrielleRose88 chapter 22 . 7/19/2018
I just finished reading your story this morning and enjoyed it thoroughly. I was 10 years old when THE MUMMY came out and have always listed it as one of my top favorite movies. I also liked the way Madeline’s character evolved and how realistic you made her. She kind of reminds me of my younger sister. Take care and keep up the good writing!
SapphiRubyCrys chapter 22 . 12/3/2017
Hey are you going to continue the 3rd book? I see you updated this on Jan 12. Please do continue If you can. Best books in this fandom. Maddie especially is a great character.
the-mighty-pen325 chapter 22 . 10/12/2017
PHEW. I vividly remember reading this story for the first time and falling completely in love with it...and the revised version is even more charming and engaging than the original-something I didn't think was possible! You've made Madeline a fully-fleshed out character, both then and now, and I loved getting to see everything happening through her eyes. Her and Rick's relationship is delightful, her friendship with Jonathon hilarious, and her twisted tongue when it comes to talking to Ardeth: just lovely. (And accurate: who could blame a girl for being a little twitter-pated when faced with a man that handsome!) Speaking of: those kisses! Phew!

Many, many kudos to you, and I'm so glad I came back to re-read The Return of the Med-Jai and found this revised version as well.
ThePhantomismyLove chapter 22 . 6/8/2017
So good!
Faerex chapter 22 . 4/3/2017
One of my favourite fanfic series ever, absolutely loved reading the revised version. Madeline is awesome!
zentry chapter 22 . 3/17/2017
I still love this story, is one of my fanfics favorites... I have read it more than a few times already.
Danaren Reid chapter 22 . 3/3/2017
Your story is Awesome ! I loved it! First of all , I liked Madeline and how she interacted with the other characters ,especially with Ardeth Bay, so i hope these two end up together in the future.
As soon as I can i'd read your sequel.
one question; what Imothep said to her when they first meet?
GoAskAlice137 chapter 22 . 2/21/2017
LOVED IT! Really well done. You're writing is excellent and I loved how you wrapped up the ending. I'm so going to read the sequel next!
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