Reviews for And A Little Child Shall Lead Them
sara.koch90 chapter 1 . 6/30/2018
This is incredible. I am lucky to have discovered you as a fanfiction author. It is so difficult to find great fanfictions let alone find any for a niche fandom. I have read your stories 10 years ago when my english wasn't the best (am german) but I couldn't restrain myself because I knew that they are something special. Now I find myself always returning to all of them and still loving them all if not even more because I can see how amazing, rare and incredible you are Scarlet and I I really hope this review reaches you even though it's long overdue. All the best and hoping that you still are or will be writing fanfictions.
Wai-Jing Waraugh chapter 1 . 4/14/2018
Another great one! The stakes in this ‘case’ were very compelling: not only is a child kidnaped, but the abducted girl is the daughter of a personal friend of Lamont Cranston.

I liked how you set up the complicated relationship between Lamont and Peter Bahr; they go way back and are friendly enough to be on lunching terms, yet Bahr is an outspoken critic of The Shadow. I particular liked how Lamont recognised that Bahr is the same kind of egotist he used to be and despises that quality, a lot of his backstory and emotional development were contained in that one line. The conversation between Bahr and The Shadow was fun, reminiscent of the one with Wainwright Barth in ‘Hands Off’. It was great how The Shadow intimidated Bahr enough to prove his effectiveness, yet made it clear that he was on the side of good. I was kind of surprised, actually, that The Shadow didn’t recruit Bahr as one of his agents, since he openly offered to help in future. Maybe he’ll turn up in a later story? The exchange between The Shadow and Annabelle was very sweet; after all the cruelty that Lamont perpetrated as Ying Ko, the way he treats a scared child so gently shows that he really is a good man.

As always, the dynamic between Lamont and Margo was perfect. Having her take over as The Shadow’s driver while poor Moe was sidelined was a novel approach (did Lamont really have to walk to the Sanctum? can he not drive himself, or at least get another cab?) I don’t remember The Shadow having turned the screws on a perp in front of her outside of dealing with personal threats to her; it was sweet how he felt ashamed of showing his ‘dark side’ in front of her, and the way she instantly scolded him for condemning his own methods demonstrates that she is his perfect match. It reminded me of how the Turku used to tell Lamont not to apologise for making a breakthrough during his training, I’m glad that Margo can be that moral and emotional support for him now. The diner scene was funny, I loved how he took Margo’s coffee cup, payback for the coffee she took from him in the film! It was also interesting how you alluded briefly to Lamont’s war service, mentions of that time of his life don’t happen often.

The proposal scene was understated but lovely, I was happy that Margo’s previous thoughts about them never being able to marry because of Lamont’s mission were proven wrong. Another great instalment, another one of my favourites!
StrangeElvenKree chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
Ohhhhh, Scarlet, don't stop! Please don't stop! I've read a good many of these already, and I'm just ACHING to hear wedding bells!

KarToon12 chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
This story was so awesome, and completely in character! I'm so glad that more people are giving this movie the love and attention it deserves; the Shadow is one of my favorite movies and superheroes. :) As soon as I get the time, I'll read your other stories. :D
JanEyrEvanescence12 chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
I loved this story. It was a perfect tribute to the radio show, the original pulp novels and the movie. The story didn't drag nor did it seem rushed. The pacing was very well done.

The characters were well written and exactly what I expected from them. The scenes between Lamont/Shadow and Margot were adorable. By the way, the ending marriage proposal was absolutely perfect! I think that's how he would propose to her.

And best of all, you nailed the dichotamy of the Shadow. Especially when he's threatening Rico. The Shadow isn't somebody you want to cross. After all, he helped inspire the creation of Batman and we know how scary he can be. Yet, when The Shadow saves Annabelle, he's gentle and that was a nice touch and underlines what the Shadow's real mission is and why he does what he does.

If there's anything I recommend changing, it's breaking the stories into chapters instead of making it one page. My eyes had trouble following along (it's not the story, it's the computer screen) and breaking it down would keep the reader's interest instead of just scrolling down. Again, it's just a suggestion.

In any case, very well done and I can't wait for more stories.
bluedragon1836 chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
Love the scene at the end! Best marriage proposal ever! Great story :)
seastarr chapter 1 . 2/29/2008
I greatly enjoyed this story - and the others you have posted on this website. ( I just recently discovered it.) I particularly like th way you have portrayed the relationship between Lamont and Margo and its progression. I also like your take on the Shadow/Lamont's personality and history. I hope to see more of your work in the future.
Malicean chapter 1 . 2/25/2008
Henry Arnaud, long time no see ;) I love it when characters from the old pulps crop up now and then.

And the last ten lines... very promising!
Niall Mor chapter 1 . 2/23/2008
Nicely done! A relevant topic, nasty bad guys, lots of twists and turns, an adorable little moppet, a new twist in Margo and Lamont's relationship.