Reviews for Another Run of Events Ed2008
Guest chapter 7 . 5/12/2018
This was quite a wonderful piece. Loved the plot and the bond you created between the characters. Truly sad that the story had to end so soon.
Eli Clark chapter 4 . 9/25/2017
It's not 'Aru' it's Al! Plain and simple, they aren't Japanese!
darkraistlyn chapter 7 . 12/10/2016
One of my favorite Parental!RoyEds I've seen.
Sanity and Katlin chapter 1 . 11/9/2015
Roy is only a year older then Jean. Roy would have only been 14 when Ed was born...?

SaphireHeartbreak chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
The first chapter always seems to be the hardest chapter for me, heh, I don't really know.. but somehow you made this chapter look so incredibly easy. After you getting to a starting point you just seem to run with your idea, and let it guide you, yet coaxing the ideas into a plan of your own.. e.e if that makes sense XD Anyway. Compared to the old story, I seem to remember it taking you a while longer to get to the house. I feel like in this story so far, you added a ton of detail yet you made this more fast-pace and helped to make your story seem more easy to read, you make each detail very precise and very interesting and you definitely keep the reader hooked! I think that with the original story you were just starting out with this, but I think that this is definitely a fixated story for your more dedicated readers. It's unexposed to the (few) errors that the original one created (if there even are any, I don't remember seeing any. I also feel like in this story you tried to add Alphonse in earlier. I still love the Roy/ed Parental theme that this story seems to just radiate, and I loved how you had Roy ask if Ed felt safe at the end of the chapter. That made the Parental-ness of it all seem much more life-like. There wasn't much change in this chapter so far, I don't believe, but I think that if you added too much difference at the very beginning then that would reciprocate into the rest of your story, and change this story to a high degree. Anyway I love the story, and I'll continue to leave comments on the next chapter 3 Again, your stories are amazing.
f.tastarossa chapter 7 . 3/15/2013
wahhh very good story
I love it
want to know the principle and students expresstion when they found out that Edward is an alchemist
f.tastarossa chapter 1 . 3/15/2013
Interesting story
Edward back to school XD
Dashita Tichou chapter 7 . 2/4/2013
No! But yes at the same time... This was a very good story, you did a fantastic job!
SoullessElric chapter 5 . 8/20/2012
I'm so glad I found this fanfiction again! I couldn't remember what it was called for the longest time, so I couldn't go searching for it. I really enjoy this story, it's one of the best school fics I've read yet.

On a different note, I would love it if you wrote On My Own, I feel like there's a big shortage of fanfictions like that.
NeverTooMuchInspiration chapter 7 . 8/3/2012
I found the ending to be somewhat anti-climatic and a bit confusing but not too bad. It seemed a bit sudden and I would have liked to have seen a bit about them wrapping up affairs with the other students and staff at the school before they left and everything finished off. I did enjoy the magnet though. It is something that is rarely done but very effective when used. Overall, even though the ending seemed to leave a few loose ends, this story was an interesting and worthwhile read and was certain something a bit different than what is usually done.
Erin Kamikaze chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
"Now open your fly and show me." Out of context, Roy sounds sounds like a pedophile. :)
Torchbug chapter 3 . 4/28/2012
Um, well, first of all, I am really enjoying this story. The whole idea of "Character with a hidden past that has warped him/her into the outlook of someone older is picked on by normal people for stupid and materialistic things" strikes a chord with me. What can I say? All writers are loopy in some way or another. And betas are a good thing. I can't see how this can be improved, so I hope someone can help you. There's always room for growth, right?

And now, I will address the one thing that would make me happy if fixed. I'm sure a lot of people have yelled at you over this, and I'm just joining the fray, but if you're going to call Alphonse "Arufonsu", then you should keep it consistent and call Edward "Edowādo". Yeah. But otherwise, this story is awesome! I look forward to reading more of your writing!
iheartfullmetal chapter 1 . 4/8/2012
Very long chappy, very good chappy.
Aleca chapter 7 . 4/1/2012
Wow, I love this story.

It was really entertaining and kept me interested the entire time!
little kinky miss feng chapter 7 . 3/4/2012
This is a really good story. One of my favorites!
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