Reviews for Y o H o
NerdKitten chapter 12 . 7/17
I love every chapter! I hope you will continue this! 3
triforce jutsu chapter 12 . 3/24
I like the premise of how Sakura is a pirate captain and Sasuke is a high ranking lieutenant in the military. It fits the character. I can't help but feel like their relationship is a bit... Unhealthy. Sakura doesn't treat him well, despite Sasuke just wanting to go back to his home. And the male rape thing... Yeah, if you ever rewrite this, I'd take that part out. Regardless, you're talented. It has a cool premise. I hope you continue this one day.
Cherryfairy101 chapter 12 . 10/12/2019
man i wish you could continue this :0000

would wait another 8 years
Mejima chapter 12 . 11/19/2018
,.i hope you will continue this,..
Stefany1997 chapter 12 . 6/1/2017
I love this story please update
lilacwrath chapter 12 . 9/26/2016
THIS is one of the best plots I've ever read
I love your characterization of both Sakura and Sasuke
Its so satisfying goshh
Bananarock509 chapter 12 . 5/17/2016
Finally! I've been reading all day waiting for that dam to break!
gabriellamoreirar chapter 12 . 5/12/2016
I have to say that is probably one of the best fanfiction I had read in my life.I can't wait for the
cherrypie29 chapter 12 . 5/10/2016
You are such an excellent writer! I've been reading your other stuff and was drawn to this one. I like the premise here. Although the male rape thing was disconcerting, I think you can come back from that. Also, I love sasuke being called her whore Let's get a lemon next chapter!
Fan chapter 12 . 5/9/2016
I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE THIS UPDATED, YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO FINISH THIS STORY! There were legit tears when I saw the latest chapter popped up. Oh thank goodness.

I love, love, love Sai in this. He's adorable!

Can't wait for the next chapter, update soon!
Aquarian Charm chapter 1 . 5/7/2016
This is totally cool. I have just read the first chapter and I am totally loving it. I rarely come across good Sasusaku Pirate fanfics. Sakura being the caption is really surprising and amusing. However, I felt Sasuke was not given much importance as he is always given in the fanfics but I can stand that because this fic is still awesome.
Keep up the good work.
tobi-is-an-artist-too chapter 12 . 5/4/2016
I really was not expecting this to be updated at all like I was confused when I saw it on the top of my alert list but it was a pleasant surprise sooo yay very nice chapter and will totally wait another 8 years for the next :)

Tobi :D
MisoHime chapter 12 . 4/30/2016
I've been following this story of yours for years, and I myself have only started writing my own stories again only recently. I was pleasantly surprised when I got an alert for yours!

As always, it was a great read. I hope you do continue to write more. I'll be looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Great job & good luck!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/30/2016
The part about sasuke's position in the crew was so funny
ToraHimeSama chapter 12 . 4/30/2016
I'm so happy that you update this story. This is definitely one of my favorite stories on the website. I can see where you're coming from for not wanting to update the story however, it is enjoyable. I like how the situation has kinda flipped, and I'm really curious to see where the story ends up, so keep up the good work! if you have so many readers who want an update, clearly you're writing a good story!
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