Reviews for Chaos Theory
Sushi Chi chapter 1 . 7/24/2008
Ooh. This is a very well written fic. I like your word choice. I liked it. Sadly, I haven't actually seen this episode as I don't get the CW, but I've read about it. And I like the story that you put with it.
Tari Roo chapter 1 . 4/8/2008
Holy Ruster Metal Batman!

That was just ... heartbreaking! Heartbreakingly beautiful.

Poor Sam post-Mystery Spot - you really captured his strung out struggle to adjust back to reality, and to know that life could be like that fairly soon anyway.

sigh. awesome fic!
wild wolf free17 chapter 1 . 2/25/2008
darksupernatural chapter 1 . 2/23/2008
Great job with this. you captured everything that happened in the show and showed the changes in Sam very well.

"The only way he could survive was by focusing on his objective, concentration like a knife’s edge, straight and sharp." That was a perfect description. Wonderfully thought out and beautifully worded.
sergeantmicky chapter 1 . 2/19/2008
Wow. You actually made me tear up with that one. Really good job. I could really feel the emptiness, what Sam must have felt. And it made me cry, cause I know what it's like to see a room and everything's just the way that someone left it before they were gone, you know? And you don't want to touch it cause they put it that way, and you just want to keep it that way forever. And this story really made me feel that. Really strong. Great job.:)
sciencegeek51 chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
Very, very nice. Good insights into the situation and characters.

Hope the series' writer do as good a job.
cozmikfaerie chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
oh, my, this was excellent! You captured the agony that Sam still carries with him cos he knows and remembers those 3 months! Great story!
SciFiNutTX chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
Wow - really powerful piece. Excellent!
jenilee chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
Loved this-"The only way he could survive was by focusing on his objective, concentration like a knife’s edge, straight and sharp."

and this-" What was empty was now filled with shattered pieces, bright and sharp and messy, grinding against each other. Over time maybe the edges would blunt, the pain would dull, but for now it was still too fresh and chaotic."

Great insight to Sam's mindset during his time alone and when things were back to "normal". I loved that Sam didn't clean everything up or fix the toothpaste and the end with Sam crawling into Dean's messy bed instead of his own. A choice to be Sammy instead of the Sam he became when without Dean. Very nice.
Oh So Cliche chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
prolixmay chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
wow, amazing, and just WOW. Detail I say always makes things better, and this had detail, detail that very well explained the emotions flowing through Sammy's head. This was really, wow like there are no words to explain it, it was amazing. I really loved the part with the shattered pieces and how his pain would just dull over time, you really captured SO much detail in such little time and in such a small fic. GREAT! And the ending, LOVE! The way that he was just reminiscing about maybe the future and how he just let himself go and laid by his brothers side, forever letting the moment of the future he saw, go and just being by his brother's side. And Dean himself, he sort of had the gist of*now I'm talking sort of about the epi. and your fic* what went wrong in Sammy's mind and how Sammy was so scared, so he just let him stay on his bed. THE amazing by the way! KEEP IT UP!
KrystalB2003 chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
Wonderful story! Very thoughtful and introspective, and perfectly describes all the feelings I'm sure had to be going through Sam's head by the end of that episode.

Mystery Spot was such an awesome episode... funny at times, but with that real emotional kick at the end that I can't get out of my head. I hope the show explores some of the aftereffects of Sam having to go on for months without Dean. Even though that future technically no longer exists, it obviously existed for Sam.
blackcatswhiskers chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
You have captured Sam's desperation and complete desolateness after Dean died, and the desperateness of keeping Dean close by afterwards. Great story