Reviews for Happy Valentine's Day, Jazz
Deactivated II chapter 1 . 7/24/2008
How adorable. Bee is such a sweetheart.

Hehe write more lovey one-shots soon. The cutness is addicting.

Assassination chapter 1 . 4/10/2008
Bumblebee sure knows how to make someone feel wanted and loved - I really enjoyed reading this story, and it's very cute at the ending where Bumblebee cooed to Jazz, "Happy Valentine's Day."

Though it's over right now, I gotta say, I don't see many Valentine's Day related things, odd, but true. Anyway, awesome fic! I'm...gonna take a peek at what else you have *scrampers off*

*hurries back though* OH! And this was a very nice, in character pairing...the type that makes me feel like they belong to each other and etc, you get my point *blushes and scratches back of head* I'm not much of a reviewer on things like um...don't get angry if my reviewing sucks.
Shadeless chapter 1 . 3/19/2008
Sweet... And hot

One of the best I've read in this fandome.

Thx for your message btw. :)

TomorrowsEpiphany chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
Beautiful, sweet, and sensual writing! I hope to read more JazzXBee from you!
Azkadellia chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
Sexy! *fans self*

I think you kept them pretty well in character. You already know I like your style of writing, and I definitely like Jazz and Bee, so I'd certainly enjoy more Bee/Jazz stories from you. :)
blood shifter chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
that was really sweet. if there are few people out there that don't deserve to be alone, jazz is one of the few. very good.
flamingmarsh chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
this was good!