Reviews for Double Dates
yuri lowell chapter 1 . 1/6/2015
I have read a lot of RikuxSora stories in my day and every author tries to make Sora look cute but when you do it. It just seems so flawless. I can actually see Sora doing at the little movements with his face and lips and that made the story like 40 times better then it was for me ( Not to say that the story was not good already). Also your use of words were so fluid. I could tell that you understood every word that you used in this story. You have made a long time fan
singingstars chapter 1 . 8/11/2009
Ah, so much fluff at the end!
Melodious Lion chapter 1 . 8/3/2009
Aww, so cute. I really liked the quotes you put in before every scene. Those were really interesting. :D
Innocent KH chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
onw word: AW that was so so SO cute! ok that wasnt one wrod. heheheeh .

loved it, great stroy as always! loving the sorikuness in here!
kei-v3 chapter 1 . 6/8/2008
*squirms* Whe... *sighs contently* The last sentence, though, was it quoted from "Simple and Clean" song? hehe... Anyway, so... nice. Things were really that simple.
Angel of Lavender chapter 1 . 4/16/2008
Ah Sora..thats so smooth! major points right there :D

that was an adorable story
firehawkxx chapter 1 . 2/25/2008
Beautiful and sweet. Those are the words that I choose to describe this story. It was cute, almost unbearably so :) But in a definite good way, yes, quite good. I enjoyed reading this, enjoyed it a LOT in fact :D
EternalSketches chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
Wow, this seems late for V-day, then again I havemt been checking my E0mail;, but this is pretty good. Im seriosuly blwn away by your perseverence-youve written like a million stories, and you just keep going in an effort to becom better. Ive noticed it too! This is well written, and an exceptional story for V-dayn_n but out of all the great things in this, there are a few things that I hope you can change in your writting(this is meant to be constructive! so dont hate me;). I know riku is sexy, and awesome, and the epitome of all things godly-but when you leave out all sora's greatest qualityies, then it just seems shallow and one sided. This was great for a one shot-but for your many AU's, try to make sora a bit more confident, and bit less weak and, hopefully not, pathetic, as Ive seen countless-_- times. It seriously kills me, cuz i dont think that someone who save the universe could ever be as weak and over girly as many make him out to be..but if you can dish out good fics like this, maybe it wont be so bad-I just wanted to give you some feedback my friend anyways-great job-I hope you had a jubilant valentines day~
mochiusagi chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
aw that was so cute!
Miss Alyssa chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
*glomp* Thank you! That was such a nice present... The end was so cute... and the devious little girls... / Aww... *coo-ing over the Soriku cuteness*

Thanks again!

~Miss Alyssa~
Scootkadoot chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
AGH. SO CUTE. a;lsdkmfa;sldkfj That made me so happy. XD
Cassie-san chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
Aww... this was so cute!

I luffs it. ]

You did a wonderful job, hun.

Keep it up. ;)
Overpowered chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
Aw! C;
Crispy For A Change chapter 1 . 2/14/2008

xD First Teen rated fic I've read in years.

But it was so adorable anyways.

Since there isn't going to be a continuation, my review is going to be a bit shorter since I'm not trying to give advice for writing more.

Anyways, I'm a huge fan of your work. x3 I can't wait to read more chapters and stories by you.

Happy Valentines Day
InUrNitemares214 chapter 1 . 2/14/2008
That's so sweet! . It's perfect for Valentine's Day!
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