Reviews for Echoes of Silence
Scifan chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
Sad, but a good story.
TeylaFan chapter 1 . 2/12/2008
Arghh! You scared me, I thought she was dead!

Boy, am I glad that wasn't the case, cause that would've been to sad for me! LLOL :D

I almost stopped reading cause I thought she was just dead, but I'm glad I finished it! ;)

Great ficcie Gater, sad of course... You would make me so happy if you write a second chap where he finds her and a happy ending... *puppy eyes* Hmm who'm I kidding... you're never gonna write that! :D:D
Alydia Rackham chapter 1 . 2/11/2008
This is sad and well-written; the imagery is vivid. However (please do not be offended) I think that the rating might need to be a little higher, because it does get rather detailed.