Reviews for Harry Potter and the Grandfather Clock
Bronze chapter 1 . 10/1/2016
Good old Albie NEVER had Harry's best interests at heart! He had his plans which absolutely needed Harry to be abused so he would look to Bumble as his personal savior. Though in some stories I have to wonder if he didn't want Harry dead by muggle hands and not his own. Of course in the muggle world if he did that he'd still be held responsible. However, in the magical he's worshiped to the point that he can do no wrong. Regardless of whether or not it was his doing that caused the problem in the first place. So maybe Cameron'll keep Harry well away from England and Albus-too-many-names as well. Now wouldn't that just frost the old goat molesting sex partner of said animal's ass?! Especially if Harry got superior magical training then is available at that supposed school. From canon, I must call ALL the teachers incompetent as whenever Harry went to them for help he and anyone with him were brushed off and totally ignored. After second year Harry really should've realized this and found a way to escape England and leave it to the adults to clean up their own mess. If they want their world to survive then they need to get off their lazy asses and fix their system instead of forcing a child to do it for them and complaining when he does something they don't like. Unfortunately with Bumblemore running around giving advice to all sides, things'll never get better.
Guest chapter 5 . 2/26/2016
please finish
Bronze chapter 5 . 1/14/2016
I'd've loved to see where you went with this! I really enjoy stories where Harry escapes Dingbat's control and receives training in some form of magic that old man doesn't approve of. Or learns of his true power. It's truly too bad you dropped this.
Bronze chapter 2 . 1/13/2016
You know Harry'll still turn out alright even without the old goat molesters' help. His aunt'll see to that and that he truly has a happy childhood. Not something Alby truly wants to happen regardless of all the crap he spouts.
Bronze chapter 1 . 1/13/2016
Poor, poor Alby. His plans just hit a cliff face at light speed plus. For the next unknown time Harry is out of his control.
yungatheart chapter 5 . 11/18/2012
Not sure why there were so few reviews. Its an interesting story and humorous as well. I've read that Harry Potter fanaticism is fading a bit probably due to new fads. Also there are so many HP fanfics it could be a bit lost.
Rainy Ravenclaw chapter 5 . 8/12/2011
I absolutely ! :) it is very original and I hope you update soon.


Lily I.
Sakura Lisel chapter 1 . 1/17/2011
Wait, just HOW was Petunia 'pretending' to be Lily's sister? The fact that she mistook Cameron for Lily on sight, meant that she DID know Lily at some point. So was Lily adopted by the Evans family and if so why? Did she even know about Cameron since Petunia seems to didn't know about her?
eytedrfghjiolhg528ddfxcde chapter 5 . 11/23/2010
Jarno chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
Nice start, seems to be an interesting story.

One thing though:

"Faster than he could follow, the woman had punched him in the nose, temporarily stealing his sight and making him howl in pain. "

Getting punched in the nose in no way steals your vision...
ladywatertiger chapter 5 . 11/20/2010
An ambitious story that departs from common plot lines. Did anyone know Lily's secret will we meet any Hogwarts students or James Potter family or friends? What are your favorite books film tv programs?
Nanchih chapter 5 . 11/19/2010
Very curious! I like, I like. Earth Mage, huh? You'll be writing some interesting scenes. I'm curious why Petunia is involved in pretending to be Harry's Aunt. Is Snape the missing brother, or will we meet him soon? Why might Remus know where Harry is? Haven't seen a Grandfather Clock,though I suspect that is what Lily made. I'm not in a hurry, fortunately. You have 5 chapters in two years. When you have time, then, I'll be glad to read the next.
nightwing27 chapter 5 . 11/18/2010
good chapter
nightwing27 chapter 4 . 11/18/2010
good chapter
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