Reviews for The Waiting Period
Guest chapter 24 . 7/28/2017
Please post a sequel I want to see Alice and Jervis together. Maybe she could become his sidekick or something? I this story!
Mystery X chapter 24 . 6/13/2017
Wonder who was robbing the museum piece...probably Catwoman...good story though.
TheLavenderHour chapter 24 . 10/23/2015

Ironically, you're the worst villain here. Meanie.
TheLavenderHour chapter 22 . 10/23/2015
I hope they find his body in a ditch...
TheLavenderHour chapter 19 . 10/23/2015
No. No. NO. NONONONO! F_ *censored while I go kill a few pillows*

Okay. Okay.
COCKSU-*I'm gonna leave it at that.*
TheLavenderHour chapter 18 . 10/23/2015
Must... not... rage... in... comment... section...

Great story! Omfg, I wanna go strangle Billy Bob Asshat. (pun not intended).
Anthony Walters chapter 24 . 7/14/2015
Loved the story. It was awesome
Anthony Walters chapter 6 . 11/19/2014
Gotta say, Im enjoying the story so far. I hate Billy, he is a dick. I'd like to kick his ass plus he is annoying, i hope that in this story, Jervis and Alice do get together. That would be nice
shadowsteed chapter 24 . 8/23/2012
This was a very beautiful story, really well done. :)
Dancing Eyes chapter 24 . 5/8/2012
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Very lovely finish, I'm very happy Billy stopped pestering Alice, although I do have to admit having Ivy or Harley finish him off was tempting... Still this was very good, and very sweeet. I appreciated the balance of flufffy momments and promoting the actual plotline. I was still a little confused why Billy's cousin was the Weather Man (who by the way is actually a villain, although more of Flash's I believe). I didn't quite see where you were going with that. All in all, thank you for writing such a lovely story, you've had me by the hook these past few days as I ravenously devoured your story. Absolutely delicious! Thanks!
Dancing Eyes chapter 15 . 5/8/2012
I have to say, I'm really enjoying your story. I usually wait to comment until the most recent chapter to comment on the full story, but I had to voice my love of the fact that you had villains playing monopoly! I was almost falling out of my chair with laughter when Ivy explained to Alice why she was the banker, very enjoyable thank you. I am sure to give you a much better review once I get to the end, but I had to share my amusement and appreciation with you.
gotmillennium chapter 24 . 12/4/2011
(: NICE-A! I really enjoyed the story! Keep on writing!
Professor J. L. Nemo chapter 24 . 4/30/2011
I love this. Every bit of it. It is just too cute and whimsical not to enjoy! Please write more!
Kimball20 chapter 1 . 9/8/2010
This story is really awesome. Viva La Jervis and Alice!
Arkaelis chapter 24 . 4/23/2010
I just read through the entire story in one fell swoop and I must say that I am floored in the best ways possible. I loved The Mad Hatter in BTAS so seeing an entire story was just beyond awesome. Everything was incredibly tasteful.

A few typos here and there but that is no big at all. Happens to everyone.

It was just epic all around... Jervis and Alice need more love, and you certainly gave them that, and then some. 3
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