Reviews for Angels In The Room
IarIz chapter 10 . 4/18/2019
the end. xD my 2nd time reading this.
Nemrut chapter 10 . 9/8/2013
Loved this story, you have really managed to capture those two rather well and I like the situations you have described, although, I can't help but feel that the cockroach and injection themes were a bit clichéd. Am just glad there was no "afraid of thunder" segment.

Still, really liked this. Thank you for sharing your work.
Blushing Aniki chapter 10 . 8/19/2012
I don't think you need to be reminded of how amazing you are again. I love your Akihiko/Mitsuru fics. The pairing barely gets any love from the fanbase so I'm ecstatic that you write about them.

Beautiful job. :D
SimplySound chapter 6 . 8/12/2011
Oh mann, that fifth one had me cracking up. I was ready for Mitsuru to just start screaming "Chocolate? Chocolate! CHOCOLATE!"

Nice to know I wasn't the only one who thought The Chairman would be a regular Karaoke singer x)

Good job :)
xxxPersonalover96xxx chapter 10 . 6/25/2010
dis is THE BEST! plss...make another one...about Minako and Minato...jz a suggestion...
Kattebutt chapter 10 . 1/20/2010
Absolutely incredible story, I love how all the chapters are somehow connected, even though they're sort of drabbles or one-shots or what you might call then. I'd be as bold as to say this is actually the best Persona 3 fanfic I have read so far. The way the story shows that you don't need a complete plot line, but instead that it is easy to have something like a plot going, even if it mostly consists of small individual stories. That also makes it lighter to read and somehow a bit more enjoyable somehow. I also liked the timing of the POV's, the way it changed between different characters and third person was very nice and it was especially enjoyable since it proved to be suiting for each little story respectively. And I must most certainly not forget how in character Akihiko and Mitsuru, well, in fact all the characters are. That is nothing short of lovely; one of the biggest critique point I have for fanfics. But their behavior and reactions were very fitting and it was such a pleasure to read that. That and the nice, fitting amount of sweetness, fluff and hidden meanings, I especially like how you DIDN'T put in a kiss in the last chapter. Though as a fluff lover I would have been thrilled, those two's relationship just doesn't seem to provoke it, even after it's turned into a romantic one. At least not in public like that, in a closed off room, perhaps, but in public places, not so much, not while they're so vulnerable anyway. Though a sequel including a kiss scene would simply be gold for someone like me, but of course that is entirely up to you to decide. ;) I wouldn't know if you already wrote one, but know that I will definitely be checking out your other stories as well. As a last note I'd like say that I greatly enjoyed reading this, in truth I couldn't really keep myself away from it, thank you for that. And I'm sorry for the long review, I actually did try to keep it short, but I had a lot on my mind it seems. I hope you'd want to read it all anyway, even though there's only praise and not critique. :)

- Nevi-Chan
azurelegance chapter 10 . 9/26/2009
You are simply AMAZING. I love your akimitsu stories :D

I will be watching you :DD (if that wasn't creepy XD)
Cerebrate chapter 10 . 6/25/2009
Really great story! You really nailed each character and I enjoyed each chapter tremendously. I hope you keep on writing. :)
Lupi Loop chapter 10 . 5/20/2009
I have only just discovered this and just wanted to say how utterly enjoyable and readable this was! Thanks for the lovely read!
MissTooni chapter 10 . 4/30/2009
Maybe a little late for a review on my part, but I'm absolutely in love with this whole story. You characterize everyone really well - Aki and Mitsi, of course, but Yukari in chapter 2 was really well done, as were everyone.

I'm glad you ended it the way you did. No need for a kiss, the promise of hope for the future (possible hope, leaving the whole Nyx issue unresolved, but anyone who's beaten the game knows how things end up) This is exactly the kind of story I always imagined happening between them, and a realistic approach - you showed how they went from being close friends to falling in love, and in the end everything turned out to be connected.

Bravissimo. I have nothing but praises.
duckie27 chapter 10 . 2/11/2009
I really liked this story. Really. I honestly don't have much to say, but I thought the characterization and pacing of the story was great. I also liked how some chapters were kind of like drabbles but they were all still connected.

Anyway, all I can say is that I enjoyed this story and hope to see more from you.
Mysterious Loser chapter 10 . 12/26/2008
This whole thing was absolutely amazing! I do believe that aside from the last two chapters, One-Girl Revolution was my favorite chapter. I also really liked how this appeared as a series of drabbles at first, but came full circle at the end with Akihiko and Mitsuru realizing how they felt about each other AND keeping them in character while doing so!

This story is totally going down in my favorites and I'm really happy that you finished it because I've been reading and following along with it for a long time. (Grin) Hope to see more stories like this from you! I'll definitely be waiting.
akai-sunset chapter 10 . 12/2/2008
oh, what was Akihiko gonna say before Mr. Observant interrupted? XD glad that you wrote from Mitsuru's side; I think you really did a nice character analysis as well as wrap up the fic. very satisfied with the whole fic and love the little references to previous chapters :D makes me want to read your fic all over again hehe. really hope you continue writing about this pair!

and this is very minor, but isn't 'Akihiko' four syllables? O_o
Zen Monk chapter 10 . 11/29/2008
yay! Something to be thankful for for Thanksgiving. This is very nicely detailed and I really enjoyed it. I think the internal monologues worked well with playing my emotions, because I got into (your) Mitsuru's mindset. Which goes without saying that I feel my cheeks warm at the thought of Aki's hard, sweaty abs and strong back.

I did also feel that using the first person narrative gave me, I think, something like a shock for me when I first read the chapter, because I was so used to the third person narrative from previous chapters. So for me, certain parts of the story made me feel like she's talking about the past even though they were also revelations she had just made at the "present"- as in during the moment when the thought was conceived as if it were made presently.

Such as the: '“I’ll call them tomorrow,” I told him, my voice muffled against him and completely forgetting about the imminent battle that night.' That sentence really made me think that this chapter was her talking about the past.

I've always found that your style of writing is like that of an internal monologue; it makes the pacing goes along well and it doesn't gloss over important events so much. I personally preferred the "show, not tell" mantra that many "So you want to be a writer" books mandate, but I do find your style enjoyable and leaves me to beg for more stories by you because each chapter or story reveals a different layer of the characters in it that wasn't previously shown before.

I think you did a great job at this.
Pikagalmish chapter 10 . 11/27/2008
...well, I guess I know what to be thankful for today. XD That was just the perfect end to my very-stuffed Thanksgiving, yum~.
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