Reviews for A Past Remembered
sincepotter chapter 3 . 12/13/2019
why shes being so rude to josh :(
Alex Lover chapter 35 . 7/14/2014
Please, please, please, pweeeeezzzzze upload the rest of this fabulous story. It's amazing and brilliantly written.

Longing to find out what happens to Beth and Mick in this universe! :)
Colgate Cavity Protection chapter 35 . 3/21/2013
Love it!
jess2015 chapter 35 . 3/16/2012
I really hope that you post soon! I am really enjoying your story! For one thing, I can't wait to see Josh's next move. He's a different person in your AU, but that works! I like the way you described Beth panicking when she's alone with him and realizes he's crazy. I wasn't expecting anything to get to her at this point after the way she's handled all other manners of dangerous situations, and this one is objectively far less dangerous, but that's what's so great about it, it really shows how subjective her sense of danger is, how it's relative to what's familiar: Josh isn't much stronger than her, but she has no idea how to handle his kind, so that gets to her. Thank you very much for this story PP, and... crossing everything that you update soon!
jess2015 chapter 1 . 2/17/2012
I haven't caught up yet, I'm only on chapter 10, but I thought I'd drop by anyway and say how much I'm enjoying this story ;-)

I love the premise, and I love how we get to revisit what happened, but at the same time we can't tell what's going to be different! I find Beth's situation so interesting, because it is much more similar to Mick's than in canon: Beth is keeping a secret from Mick too, and she wants to let him know the truth, but she's afraid he'll bail if she doesn't get her timing right. So, yes, very much like Mick!

And the cats are such a nice touch too, with Phantom having Mick's eye's color, almost, and Midnight's Beth's! And Phantom's name too! I wonder why "Midnight"? Anyway, they are such a cute way to embody the connection between Mick and Beth, and their emotional need for one another. I loved the scene where Phantom follows Beth everywhere, making sure not to get in her way, just wanting to be near her... really nice touch!
VioletAkuamoebe0396 chapter 35 . 12/18/2011
You had better update soon missy! I want to keep reading this wonderful re-write!
francis2 chapter 35 . 12/18/2011
I liked this chapter, especially the banter of Jon and Mick.
hewday84 chapter 34 . 12/10/2011
oh my gosh im so excited you updated! :D :D update again soon! loved it!
francis2 chapter 34 . 12/10/2011
You updated! I am so happy! Beth is playing damsel in distress for Josh to keep him from Mick, but this is really dangerous. Can't wait to find out more. Post at your own time, but know that I'm waiting!
francis2 chapter 33 . 3/6/2011
I have read all of your story and enjoyed it very much. At first I wasn't sure about Natasha, but she's a good foil for Beth. I enjoyed how you managed to tweak the actual episodes into something slightly different but with a much spunkier Beth. Love it. Will you continue with more episodes, or is this all?
Earth godess chapter 33 . 11/7/2010
Ok I love your story but come on you need to update you can't just end it like that ... its mean anyway brava this story is really well written and enjoyable so keep it up
hewday84 chapter 33 . 8/29/2010
Plz hurry and put more up i love it sooooo much!
hewday84 chapter 3 . 8/13/2010
I 3 it!
Cumberbatch-has-a-Sexy-voice chapter 33 . 7/16/2010
Thank you.:)
Brightfire15 chapter 33 . 7/5/2010
This is a really awesome story. I love it! I hope you'll be continuing! :)
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