Reviews for Umbrella
Julchen1515 chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
I like it
Elliemo chapter 5 . 3/30/2008

*thud* Okay, so I’m going to apologize in advance for this review because I’m so not with it today. If my thoughts/ ramblings seem all over the place or at all incoherent, well..that’s probably because they are *hehe*. I finally managed to catch up with ‘Rain’, ‘Hallelujah’ and ‘Umbrella’.

After having read them all within a short space of time, let me say first off, that I think it’s awesome to see how much you’ve improved at writing through out the course of your stories. Like…for real, it might be just because I read them all within a short space of time – or possibly because it’s one of the things I always look out for whenever reading already completed stories, but it’s true. I think it ws you who said that dialogue was your speciality and that you needed to work on your narrative part more, truth be told, it’s already coming along so well. Again, really, get your fist chapter of ‘Rain’ out and your last chapter of ‘Umbrella’, you can really see the difference. You’ve really taking the opportunity to use the narrative speech more in the latter stages of your trilogy. I think that really shows hw you’re ‘growing’ as a writer, probably more so to me, since I’m sure you acknowledged it on the thread (and if it wasn’t you, then I apologize, I have no clue as to who I’m rambling on about *lol*).

Anyway, back onto the actual reviewing. I’ve only come across a select couple of stories based on what would have happened, had Brooke have actually been pregnant back in season one. There may be more, I don’t know, but I know that this is one of the few that’s been completed. I also know that this is one of the few that’s managed to create an original idea from the storyline.

I think a huge part of ‘Rain’ was all about the inner conflict for Brooke, she seemed to be having such a tough time dealing with her emotions, let alone Lucas’ and those surrounding her. I’m glad you had her dealing with that and her realisation that she’s just (or was back then), just a kid. The attachment you had between Brooke and the baby though was also needed, both for future chapters and to maintain Brooke’s characterisation. I think you did that really well.

Brooke keeping the baby in the beginning of ‘Hallelujah’ was a huge step for her. You said it within your fic and you were right, or at least in my opinion you were. I don’t think that on the show Brooke would’ve had an abortion, had she been pregnant. Especially not with the current season and many others that have led the audience to believe that she’s just longing for a family. For that reason, I’m glad you decided to follow through with her choosing to keep the baby.

As for ‘Umbrella’, the baby being born in a bathroom is made of win *hehe* and I loved it. That birth actually somewhat calmed me…as opposed to the other ones, which could put me off of ever having a child. I loved how you had Brooke being all calm after her water had broken. I think that’s more of a realistic way for things to go. I mean…I don’t know of many people directly who’ve been through labour, that I can remember, but from a person that I do remember, her labour followed a similar pattern to this one.

I’m pretty sure I’m rambling about nothing by now, so I think I might call it a day with this review ;). I just wanted to let you know that throughout reading this trilogy from start to finish, I think your writing has developed an awful lot, I can’t wait to read more from you and watch you continue to bloom even more. For now, take care, Leah!

BRUCAS EQUALS LOVE chapter 5 . 3/29/2008
haha what a cute chapter! awesomee job...i loved this trilogy!
x-the-rising-x chapter 5 . 3/25/2008
I think this may be my favorite chapter of yours that you've ever written, be it this story or any other. I have to say Leah, the whole thing drew me in, especially with your description of Katie and, once again, impeccable dialogue. i think the ending was pure excellence, and the BL interaction was realistic, not "omg yay another baby!" They are unsure, yet confident enough in their relationship to know that if Brooke is pregnant, they'll make it through.

And I officially have to say I love you the most, because you included Little Foot, who is like, my hero. :D

I hope sincerely for another installment, love. xoxo
orphan12345 chapter 5 . 3/25/2008
You totally need to continue. It was good, but defintely not a good ending, so you have to continue. Update soon!
itsallgleektome chapter 5 . 3/24/2008
AW please add a fourth story to the Rain trilogy and make it a quadilogy! I want to know if Brooke is pregnant and Katie is so cute!1
brucasforever08 chapter 1 . 3/24/2008
I absolutely love this story and hope you update soon.
flipflopgal chapter 5 . 3/24/2008
Lol! Katie's so cute! I hope you continue with this story! Update sooN!
evergloweyes chapter 5 . 3/24/2008
I just read the whole trilogy right in a row and I loved it. The best part was the change in interactions between Brooke and Lucas as the chapters progressed. Well done!
davis-baker chapter 5 . 3/24/2008
aw. this was great. and katie is so cute!

but i'd really, really like if you added a one shot to this 'cause i really wanna know if brooke is pregnant or not!

anyways, great job!

othfan326 chapter 5 . 3/24/2008
amazing chapter!

katie is so cute. and im glad that brucas is still together and happy.

and i loved the last line! that was a perfect ending.

great job with this story!
orphan12345 chapter 4 . 3/1/2008
Aw, cute chapter! I love it! Update soon!
x-the-rising-x chapter 4 . 3/1/2008
I think you did a good job with this chapter. Yes it's graphic, and yes it's detailed but it's also fairly realistic which I appreciate. You really know your stuff about births, babe. haha, I love you.
BRUCAS EQUALS LOVE chapter 4 . 2/29/2008
awe so cute...some parts were kidna gross but that is ok! please update soon...if theres another chapter!
skimthrough chapter 4 . 2/29/2008
Leah, I loved everything about this chapter! It wasn't overly graphic at all - it was just right. I'm really excited to find out the baby's name. :)
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