Reviews for Final Fantasy IV: Refugees
Majin Blues chapter 9 . 3/24/2015
I wasn't expecting this pairing but I actually like it. I would like to see more Terra/Rydia stories.
fanatic-fangirl chapter 9 . 5/25/2012
Perfect that all I can say :')

I never thought of this pairing but for some reason it actually makes sense and they do seem perfect together

would you write a omake chapter?

would love to know how the other characters like Cecil or Rose thought about Terra/Rydia since they never met them

Hope you continue on writing :]
Mr.TT chapter 9 . 9/1/2011
This story was a very nice read. Well written, and I absolutely adore the girl/girl romance. Especially with Rydia being my favorite FF girl.

Hope you make another story featuring Rydia.

Perhaps Rydia/Rosa? Or another Terra/Rydia.

Either way I hope you continue writing.

Putting you on alert.
TacoKing23 chapter 9 . 8/24/2011
I almost swallowed my gum because of you. I saw the notification that there was a new chapter, and gasped in elated surprise.

I noticed that this story now has the "complete" tag on it. I must say, I feel like there could be more to the story, and I'd certainly enjoy reading it.
Ivy Lee chapter 9 . 8/23/2011
Author's note: I've marked this as "complete," but I will do an omake chapter if you guys want me too. _
TacoKing23 chapter 8 . 12/17/2010
Hooray, update! I honestly never expected to see this story again, and I'm quite glad you decided to prove me wrong. It's very interesting so far, and this chapter has only made me want more.
TacoKing23 chapter 7 . 5/11/2010
This is a very interesting and sweet story so far, and I'd very much like to read more of it. Though, judging by the latest submission date, it looks like you've abandoned it. I sincerely hope not, it's much better than most of the stories I've read here on FF, and it'd be a horrible shame to leave it unfinished.
TacoKing23 chapter 4 . 5/11/2010
Dark, flying, madly cackling thing... this can be nothing but bad.
Elvegale chapter 7 . 12/23/2009
awesome and great story update soon please
EvilFuzzy9 chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
You have an interesting premise, with Terra's magic and Esper blood forming an entity identified as, but distinct from, Terra herself.

I'm curious to see where this story leads.

TTFN & Zafol!
Kyrial Arthian chapter 2 . 10/18/2009
I'm glad I decided to check this fic out. I was hestitant, as I always am at first with any crossovers, but this fic looks great so far. :)
Rocki chapter 7 . 10/3/2009
Cool story, you should continue writing it
Tri-Emperor of The Twilight chapter 7 . 9/6/2009
Great story very original.
Ivy Lee chapter 6 . 1/10/2009
Haha, is it bad to review your own work? Seriously, though, I'm pretty nervous about this chapter. I've never actually written a, erm, "love scene," if you will, so... How bad was it? Lol. )

In other news, sorry it's been so long since an update, but I've just been let go due to budget cuts from my job, so, hey, at least I'll have lots of writing time now, right? _
Felara chapter 5 . 10/12/2008
Ohh, this is really getting good~! I'm so pleased to see you're still working on this story, and that the chapters have gotten longer! I agree that the chapters should be as long or as short as you feel they should be, since you're writing them, but longer chapters mean more story for me to read, and that makes me happy.

I'm biased, but seeing Edge in these past few chapters has made me really happy. I've got quite the soft spot for him, and you've written him very well and totally in character. I also adore the twins, and you've got their characters down as well.

The part with Leo in this chapter put a big smile on my face. It was very sweet. I can't wait until Terra understands all those confusing feelings she's having! :D
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