Reviews for The World Changes and Rearranges
redenvelopes chapter 22 . 4/20/2009
OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG! This story is just PERFECT!(it would be even more perfect if Troy wasn't dead... but, anyways...) I mean, you made me laugh a little and cry a lot -seriously, i'm wiping my tears right now- in the next chapter. Too bad it had to end sometime. You're an AMAZING writer, and I'll hope to read more from you...
ZashleyFab chapter 22 . 3/27/2009
This story is so touching and full of feelings, i am so full of sorrow. Troy and Sharpay were a really great couple, why did you have to kill him off ? But still, I LOVE this story.

Sharpay XOX
xhesaidshesaidx chapter 22 . 1/11/2009
This last chapter was very touching and sad! I /love/ the ending. You ended it PERFECTLY. :) That whole little scene though with the yearbook/Sharpay/Tiffany made me cry. It's so sad. :'(

The Gabriella part was really sad too, but I'm so glad everything turned out to be just fine with the Evans family.

All in all, this was a wonderful story..that includes the first story, "Missing You", too. I'm sad Troy ended up really for real being dead, but it still worked out ok. actually, had anyone else killed of Troy in a story I'd be really friggin' pissed off xD but you're writing is so good that it turned out fine...although, the whole concept of it is sad no matter what.

Ok I'll stop rambling now.

I love and will miss this story! :(

and the epilogue was worth the wait.


FAMAzING (freakin' amazing) job
truly unruly chapter 22 . 1/10/2009
Sorry, wasn't Tiffany's middle name LISA, not TORY? *is confuzzled*

Anyway, back to the subject...SQUE! I luvz it! A fitting end to a good saga. x) Well done-y done! I liked the Bolton part best, but I felt especially bad for Ryan, because everyone was so mean. :(

And I loved Zoe, Shaun, Tiff, Angel, Cheyanne, Bella, Dyan and Mimi. The next generation!

redenvelopes chapter 21 . 12/27/2008
I luv ur story!Plz don't stop... So excited to read the last chapter! Hurry up!
foxee-chik chapter 21 . 12/10/2008
oh my god! i didnt think u would have troy die! keep goin! i like it!
xhesaidshesaidx chapter 21 . 12/3/2008


Did you /seriously/ just kill of Troy?

*sobs* h-how c-could y-you? D:


I cried.

I'm not even joking, I did.

But it was still a good chapter, I'm just really sad. Anyway, ouch, that'd suck to be a single mother of three. O.O poor shar..but at least she finally seems to be coping well.

Update soon please!
Don'tBendJustBreak chapter 21 . 12/2/2008

Troy Dead

Sharpay Depressed, then blessed with a brand new squishy miracle baby, making THREE little Boltons. X)

Gabriella&Ryan Lost baby :( Adopted new one :)

Chad&Taylor Lotsa girls...

...happy ending? :S

Don't suppose there's a chance of Troy appearing then? *sniff* Ah well. LOVELY chapter! And one left to go?'s gonna take another six months for that to come up, huh? ;) Update soon!
SweetRae21 chapter 20 . 11/20/2008
Don'tBendJustBreak chapter 20 . 11/1/2008
In the words of Sharpay: NONONONONONONONONONO!

-advances on unwitting author with chainsaw- DAMMIT BETH! That was one of the saddest things EVA! Remind me to NEVER let you watch "Cold Mountain" again, it just INFLUENCES you!

GOOD CHAPTER! Looking forward to the final chapter. :) -is still plotting your murder...-
xhesaidshesaidx chapter 20 . 10/31/2008
*wipes away tear that slid down cheek*

No I'm not even kidding. This is making me cry!

Troy cannot die! NO! but at least that bastard william did.

You MUST update soon! That's a demand! must must must...
foxee-chik chapter 19 . 9/17/2008
oh! keep goin! i like it! dont make troy die!
EmmaRose58 chapter 19 . 9/16/2008
Ep! Wow this is so dramatic. I can't wait for the next chapter. update soon
The Oh So Bored One chapter 19 . 9/14/2008
Yay! Everyone's okay!

Tell me "It's Over" is the next /chapter/. Please.
The.Brilliant.Thinker chapter 19 . 9/14/2008
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