Reviews for Shattered Crescent
Shadow-chan93 chapter 3 . 1/4/2019
Hello, I don't know if you still read your notes here on ff net, but I just want to tell you how much I loved the crescent picture Bakura painted and I turned it into fanart. If you're interested you can find it on tumblr. FF net won't let me post links, but you'll find me under the same username and it's in my art tags. If you can't find it, drop me a message!
Anu Amir chapter 16 . 11/28/2018
This is byfar, my favorite Tendershipping fanfic. The characters and story were extravagant. The ending itself was very satisfying. All in all, I greatly enjoyed this.
Shadow-chan93 chapter 16 . 11/24/2017
ohooo, I really loved this. Bakura makes an excellent eccentric murder artist. And the ending of the story was very fitting. Good work.
Crystal Winkle chapter 1 . 11/3/2016
The "painting with blood" reminds me of an episode of Criminal Minds where it was based on a dude doing the same thing. You don't want to know how he got the blood
DemonsNeedHugs chapter 16 . 6/27/2016
This entire fic was beautiful and amazing and just perfect. Perfect. I'm so glad the ending was bittersweet, because, for a while, I was afraid my heart would be ripped out. The characters were written interestingly and cohesively. The whole concept was creative and refreshing. I loved it.

Also, I looked up blood paintings, and they were really freaking cool. 3
nepentheosileus chapter 16 . 8/1/2015
I will definitely pray to the Yaoi Gods for a sequel. This story was built around an amazing plot, and the writing itself was great. Though I doubt I'll ever be seeing a continuation, I hope you will continue writing. Thanks for posting this, I enjoyed it immensely!
AmethystUnarmed chapter 11 . 5/26/2015
I love that you add the little detail of Bakura always capitalizing the words 'my' or 'me' because he is so frigging egotistical. It's a really cool way to add dimension to the piece.
AmethystUnarmed chapter 9 . 5/26/2015
I love your chapter titles. And your chapters. And your titles. And you. ... Seriously this is so great
AmethystUnarmed chapter 6 . 5/26/2015
AmethystUnarmed chapter 3 . 5/26/2015
I love this!
the crystal dulest chapter 11 . 3/12/2015
That ending just wow grate story
SelfcreatedCharacter chapter 16 . 2/12/2015
This is a well written story! An unlikely tale to the boot; the words are charming in its own right. Yami Bakura is one amusing character. You made him the similar to the crude bastard yet made him even more endearing. I wonder how in the world you did it, but it works wonders. Honda as Ryou's caregiving friend! Okay... that part had me in the dark. It seemed like Honda liked Ryou that way and then you smeared the friendship. Bakura Ryou is one of the most enigmatic characters ever to portray. In your own right, he's pretty darn good.
RaeNias chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
This fic is one of my fave tendershipping fics, great job and I'm still praying for a sequel ;-)
Donteatacowman chapter 16 . 2/12/2014
Ah! It ended better than I expected, considering I expected one or both to die (with the last chapter beginning with no hint as to the conclusion, meaning it had to be fast). I wish it had been more stretched out but I don't know how much more you could have told. Lovely story, absolutely excellent. (It actually reminds me of a friend's RP where their relationship echoes this one, and Ryou is an officer, although Bakura is a serial killer doctor not artist. Though it was created years after this was published.)

Beautiful AU. Thank you.
Jamie Wilson chapter 1 . 6/17/2013
I read this in two days. I stayed up entirely too late reading it. At first I wasn't sure it would be any good-I've been in a weird mood about fic lately and figured it'd be another thing that I'd skim through the first chapter of before closing and never looking back.
Obviously, I was wrong.
Your story gave me a strange feeling. Kind of empty, like I felt sick, but not as harsh as usual (there've been fics like that before). The sadness in it, the horror, it made me feel a little bit hollow, but then you went and put a band-aid on it with Bakura's feelings and Ryou's happiness in the little moments.
A few things didn't make sense-mostly the talk about words, how things were said. It felt kind of like "This should've been written in a different language then English. It would've made more sense in a more complex language (if I could understand that language, which I only speak English :P) where the difference in words and ways of speaking, formal vs. informal are most pronounced." Given that, I'm happy it is in English so I could read it :) But it that's what it felt like.
I liked that you made it feel authentic, keeping with the Japanese culture in a way a manga would whereas most stories skip right past that. The ending of course wasn't my ideal one-I'd hoped Ryou would run away with him but knew that would never happen. I feared the worse. I thought Ryou wouldn't live to see the end, or that your metaphorical band-aids would run out. The ending was nice, though. It fit. It felt sort of like another band-aid, and that was much appreciated.
I wish you would've written out the romance scenes a little more. Most of the time I had no idea they were kissing until it was just about over. I appreciated the way Bakura thinks of himself, the capital Me (though it made it a bit awkward to read personally 'cause I kept pausing over My like you do when there's a comma and thinking "Wow, if he actually speaks like that he probably sounds really weird").
Overall, I'm now left thinking "Okay, that review was much longer and ranty than I wanted it to be." Still, it is surprisingly more coherent than usual. And I think there was a point to this...
Great story. Wish it didn't have to end.
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