Reviews for Dog Days
Andrea chapter 1 . 12/8/2015
Awesome story, gripping and amusing.
Thank you
AliMay chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
This was a really good story! I enjoyed reading it so much! I absolutely love this story. Keep u pthe good work!
Whirlwind421 chapter 1 . 9/24/2010
Great story. Since I have not read another story like this I thought it was highly orginal! Great plot and idea.
J loves JS chapter 1 . 3/22/2010
I don't usually like stories where one of the characters is transformed into an animal, but this one was really good. I thoroughly enjoyed it and loved how you transferred John into the form of a dog. Thanks for the enjoyable story.
kirroth chapter 1 . 10/28/2009
Well, at first I wasn't too happy with the choice in dog breed, as I'm not fond of the ankle biters, but it grew on me. I don't care if “everyone writes one of those” stories. These stories get written a lot _because_ they are so fun (although really, this is only the second Sheppard as dog story that I've read, and definately the better of the two). You did a great job, had me hooked 'til the end. I can't believe you had Sheppard hump McKay's leg. For a second there I thought he'd gone off the deep end. XD Time for bed now, but tomorrow I'll have to check out your other SGA stories.
ScottishFaerie chapter 1 . 7/19/2009
This story was absolutely fantastic! I've only recently begun reading Stargate Atlantis fics, but from what I have seen this far, the quality is above and beyond my highest expectations. This story is a prime example as to why that is.

Oh, could you please send me a picture of that dog? I'm excited to put a face to the character that I've been imagining.
Dragongirl Jun chapter 1 . 11/11/2008
I'd like to get the picture:) love your story - but could use a beta:) (its epilogue ... not epilog .. ) otherwise...:) keep writing
loopster chapter 1 . 9/23/2008
Wonderful! And I tend to steer as far away as possible from SGA fanfiction! An extra boon for you, is the fact that this is the first such fic of its kind that I have read. Ie, Shep as a dog. (I gather there are others like it from your intro.)

I would very much like to see the picture that inspired this 'tail', ) and look forward to seeing it.

You did the dog mannerisims and expressions wonderfully, and I loved your Shep POV's.. particularly when Shep did a body shake and his thoughts on how he could see why dog's liked doing that! Brilliant!

Thanks for writing and for sharing.
pfyre1 chapter 1 . 8/1/2008
oh my... Brava! Brava! Bravissimo!

you took a plot that could have easily been for pure comic relief and gave it more depth than I anticipated - thank you for this - definitely a favourite story for me now!
pfyre1 chapter 1 . 8/1/2008
oh my... Brava! Brava! Bravissimo!

you took a plot that could have easily been for pure comic relief and gave it more depth than I anticipated - thank you for this - definitely a favourite story for me now!
Captain Traemel chapter 1 . 3/6/2008
I loved it. You definitely have a way of keeping to the characters of the show and imbuing them with the trademark humour I think we all appreciate. Rodney's comments were spot-on and the way you wrote Sheppard was perfect. I had a lot of fun reading this story.
Astraldust chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
Absolutely loved this story. Great idea and you described John's plight as a dog so wonderfully.
Space1Traveler chapter 1 . 1/30/2008
That was the absolute BEST! Did you win some type of award for this? If you didn't, you should have. I laughed, I cried, I was sad, afraid (especially when Shepherd was skateboarding), and I was proud. Proud of the dog, the people, and the city. Great, great job. Thank you.
Dr. Scott chapter 1 . 1/25/2008
A most excellent take on the traditional "tale" usual I loved the team interaction and dialog. You're a fine writer, so keep up the good work. Thanks for a fun week of reading whenever I could steal a few minutes! I'd love to see the pup too! Thanks!
Kontrast chapter 1 . 1/25/2008
All in all a very good story. The plot was interesting, the timing was just right and it had a good dose of humour without looking like comedy.

The story itself was well structured and therefore seemed thought out.

Only two little things you might consider: (just minor things but I thought you'd want to know.)

1) While it is plausible that anyone would want to spend his last days having fun with his friends, I don't think SGA-1, especially McKay, could do that. They would probably rather pulling the city apart in search for one of these crystals.

2) Sometimes there was a bit too much emotion that seemed wrong. For example the part where you wrote something like "Dr. Tao's brown eyes looked into Sheppards hazel ones". It sounds a bit like a building romance. ;)

Espacially those kinds of descriptions should be used sparely, because they indicate an emotional important moment.

Anyway, I'm surely looking forward to more of your stories.

(I'm not an english native, so please excuse any mistakes)
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