Reviews for I Would Kill You
Guest chapter 5 . 3/6/2017
*screaming* I LOVE ITTTT
Intensereadermanic chapter 5 . 9/3/2016
Hm I couldn't care less about poor Harley. She's just a girl in love. I like the joker and his crazy mind, and batman and his responsibilities and conflicting thoughts. I noticed there hasn't been a lot of craziness or erratic thoughts from joker, and that's what makes him up so I'd like to see more of that. Batmans persona is pretty good though.
JohnnySqueegee chapter 3 . 2/18/2016
Ok, the end of the third chapter made me cry, just because I had Aplastic Anemia a long time ago.. I know exactly what's wrong and all the horrible things he will have to endure sooner or later.. I actually also have a genetic disorder called Fanconis Anemia and will have it forever, and the Aplastic Anemia was basically just a side effect of the disorder. I had to go through a bone marrow transplant to rid myself of the Aplastic Anemia. If all the joker has is that, then it would be easier to cure, but if it's a side effect of a disorder like mine.. He'd have to go through what i did.. And let me tell you, it wasn't fun...
Oi chapter 4 . 2/8/2016
Anemia is a very common thing and isn't even near fatal. In fact, due to menstrual cycles, many women have anemia and don't even know it. The most is does is make you sluggish and tired and you have very low stamina, but it most certainly is not fatal. I myself have anemia, and all you need is to take iron supplements. And bam, you're fine. It's really not a big deal.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/16/2015
But in all seriousness, this was great, and I know it will probably never be finished, but I just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed it.
DocQuinn chapter 5 . 10/13/2015
Please's great.
Shadow chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
This is amazing!
Anime chrisy chapter 5 . 4/10/2014
Oh man what a great fic. Looks like you've stopped updating this fic. Just know that this has been very enjoyable so far and would love to read more :)

Guest chapter 5 . 3/4/2014
What happened to the updates?
Guest chapter 5 . 11/23/2013
That was so perfect! Please continue, I can't wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/13/2013
Bellethiel123 chapter 4 . 2/12/2013
WOW, so angsty.
evillives4evr chapter 3 . 1/8/2013
Right. First of all. This fic is jarring and cliched from the get go. The Joker injured thing is so very overdone it's become the cookie cutter mould that every Batman/Joker story has taken. It can be used effectively enough in the right hands but to be honest this story reads as if you wrote it on the way home on the bus. It feels rushed and not thought out which is a terrible shame because the prelude stories you have to this one are really good. They are original and promise well written, in character shenanigans with a interesting plot that consists of mainly character development, humour and romance. Whats delivered seems as far away from what was promised as you possibly could get. Not only doesn't it flow, which makes it hard to decipher whats happening, but because of this it detaches the reader and it ends up reading similar to "This happened, then this and Batman did this ect."
Not to mention this whole thing is incredibly ooc! Even if the batman was cold and tired he wouldn't be such an idiot that taking the Joker to the Bat cave would seem like the only option, he probably wouldn't send Alfred in to tend to him without either strapping him down tightly or if he was so severely compromised that he literally couldn't move. A broken leg doesn't suffice.
Also Alfred wouldn't be so idiotic that he would nearly blurt out Bruces name.
The Joker isn't so placid he would sit there for I don't know how long agreeing to be tested by an old man and!...Why was Batman startled so fucking easily? How the hell is Joker easily getting to his feet and walking around with a broken leg?! The pacing SUCKS What feels like 3 days have gone by you say that two weeks have gone by!... With no indication other than Alfred saying so! I practically laughed out loud when you said that:"Sir! Sir, you really do need to take a look at these," Alfred whispered, "I believe that your well being could be in danger and-..." and this turned out to be anaemia. Number one why did he gasp after he looked at the x rays you cant tell if someone has anaemia through an x-ray. Second anaemia isn't that life threatening, sure you can get various versions of it but it is now-a-days easily cured by Iron tablets, or if severe like sickle cell anaemia or Thalassaemia, its still possible to treat it with transfusions and other medication. Also these forms are genetic and hereditary so he'd have to have them since birth. AND IT ISN'T CONTAGIOUS! So it wouldn't put Batman's "Wellbeing in danger".
I'll also say the pacing with sex or I presume was sex seeing as it wasn't written and mearly implied was not good. So suddenly theres a switch that got turned on and Batman goes from not wanting the Joker sexually to wanting him right here and now even though the Jokers supposed to be ill. And I'm not talking about the switch from being Bruce Wayne to Batman because I understand what your trying to say with that, that Bats has split personality disorder and can dissasociate himself from his alter ego and so the feelings aren't there when he's Bruce Wayne. I'm saying even though this is the case you haven't paced it right at all, perhaps for a T rated PWP if there is such a thing, and not a series.

Also half of this story seems copy and pasted from others. Some things are subtle but using actual dialogue from other fics isn't referencing... its stealing. I kept wondering why what I was reading sounded so familiar when I hadn't even read this story before.
Throughout this story I had a singular word flash trough my mind repeatedly like it was on a carousel rapidly gaining speed. That word was "What?!". Half the shit that goes on wouldn't happen even if it was AU. I am sorry for the rant, I am incredibly fussy When it comes to JxB fics, I like them in character through out and I like them plausible so much so that I feel it could be cannon. Now I know its hard to do that and I take that into account, I like short stories with simple amusing plots and I don't mind a small amount of ooc whimsy when used right. But this takes the piss. Usually if I read a story I don't like I exit out of it and forget about it, and it hasn't phased me. But this story did, because I know you can do better. I've seen it with the previous two stories, they were short but sweet and had a original feeling like a breath of fresh air. I commented on that and came straight to this story, slightly disappointed with it's chosen path at the start but continued hoping it would get better and justify leaving the premise of the prequels. But it didn't and I became so frustrated that I had to write this. As I've been writing I've cooled down a bit and realised what I've said is slightly harsh but nevertheless true and the harshness may have come because I've been watching so much zero punctuation. Also the fact that there's been an extreme drought lately on everything Batman/Joker and just as I thought I've seen water it turned out to be a mirage. Sorry but... you could do better.
hanako love chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
yeh i would be like "wtf?" at that ending bit if i were batsie too!
Cani chapter 5 . 3/9/2010
Hi , this story is lovely and my hearts goes all the way out to Joker. Will Batman finally realise that he also wanted joker. Hope to see chapter 6 soon.
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