Reviews for Suitcase of Memories
killerangel666 chapter 15 . 7/3
Wow! I haven't seen a brotherhood story in ages! Thank you! When I want to read one I've taken to rereading the ones i know were my faves. And actually this story is one I've read many a times. I saw where you mentioned editing previous chapters because that's not how the foster system works, please don't I really like them the way they are. After all it's fiction it doesn't have to bend to real life rules :) Thanks for the chapter I'll have to go back checking for brotherhood updates more frequently.
TheProfoundSilence chapter 15 . 6/15
I liked Joshua's character development, from when he grows from this scared little boy to an almost antagonist in the boys' life and then takes a U-turn with his fierce loyalty to his triad. Here you can already see the conflict brewing, his loyalties torn between different places, always stuck between two places. But as much as I loved it, I hope we can get to see the boys' again soon. I especially love Dean and Caleb's dynamic.
churchlady63 chapter 15 . 6/12
This was lots of fun stories. P!ease keep them coming. It was nice to see a possible way Mac and Esme met.
churchlady63 chapter 13 . 6/5
Perfect. I'm jealous of their relationship for my children.
churchlady63 chapter 11 . 6/4
Thank goodness for that at least.
churchlady63 chapter 9 . 6/4
Loved it! Keep going!
churchlady63 chapter 6 . 6/4
There 's something about a manly man admitting to truly care for someone that is so attractive. Like when they aren't afraid to be affectionate with their children, or in this case their friends.
Love it.
churchlady63 chapter 5 . 6/4
Sad. Evil is on the loose. Having a field day right now in real time.
churchlady63 chapter 3 . 6/3
Oh gees, there's something in my eye.
churchlady63 chapter 2 . 6/3
churchlady63 chapter 1 . 6/3
Loved it! These are my favorite characters. Moving on...
N0hA chapter 15 . 5/18
Hii, I was sooo excited to see an email update from you concerning this story. It's been too long . The story is well written and I have enjoyed reading it despite my preference of dean-Caleb interactions . I really liked it as it gives off some background data to go with the characters. As for your other stories concerning child welfare , I would like to advise you not to change or rewrite them as i like to think of them as "stories" and "fictional " and I really enjoy them every once in a while ( I'm a rereader ).
I really do hope u continue writing in the brotherhood verse in the upcoming future. Best of luck ️️
S chapter 15 . 5/17
I find myself coming back to the Brotherhood stories again and again, and “Suitcase of Memories” is one of my favorites. I was thrilled to see a new chapter! I loved the insight into Josh’s childhood and the beginning of Mac and Esme’s relationship. Josh’s surprise and gratefulness about Mac taking his side in the beginning was powerful, and I also really liked the way you showed Joshua and Esme knowing that they could trust Mac.
You mentioned possibly rewriting some earlier chapters of this. I actually hope you keep them as is, or at least keep the original versions posted along with any new ones. They are wonderful the way they are, and I think we can all forgive any inaccuracies in terms of legal guidelines followed in the stories. After all, “Supernatural” stories always require some suspension of disbelief! Thank you so much for writing these stories. They have been a comfort to me during some rough times over the years. I hope you continue writing more in this AU!
pipinheart chapter 14 . 1/26/2019
All of these were great pieces... Loved them, u write a great Mac and Caleb.
churchlady63 chapter 14 . 11/1/2018
Well, I haven't commented on any of your stories before because I'm a bit late to the party so to speak, but this was absolutely amazing. The ping ponging around the ages and all the back stories really kept it interesting. So much emotion everywhere - love, fear, friendship,! I felt myself being jealous at times at the relationships. I'm too old to be getting so wrapped up in stories like this. Lol. Thanks so much for writing.
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