Reviews for Once in a Moment
MerDerDempeooo chapter 8 . 11/6/2012
This is sooo good! Are you going to continue? Please do!
CharminglyShar chapter 8 . 2/4/2010
wow just wow i loved this chapter very much so. it was fantastic. the talk with sam and troy was great and i was almost crying. and i know you havent updated in what 2 years now? 3? something like that but you seriously have to continue i will die if i dont get to finish this and im serioisly not joking and the next chapter probably involved the whole sam/ryan talk whicvh i have been dying to see the whole time i was reading this chapter so plz plz plz update plz
CharminglyShar chapter 7 . 2/4/2010
wow just wow i felt so bad for shar in this chapter./ that wasnt right taht troy blew her off especially when he said he never woudl and i can see where shes coming from that had to hurt and that whole thing with ryan and sam they have to fix that it cant goi on longer i feel bad for them and troy is so sweet for their last talk aw
CharminglyShar chapter 6 . 2/4/2010
i enjoyed this chaopter its just a shame shar didnt get the part and also even more so that gabi did. that stinks and i only hope they can work threw it but this has been a fantastic chapter
CharminglyShar chapter 5 . 2/4/2010
another lovely chapter that was so sweet and all abhout teddy. i hope to see more of the whole ryan/sam thing and see whats going on there thats really harsh
CharminglyShar chapter 4 . 2/4/2010
such a great chapter i really enjoyed the talk btwn chad and shar and also the one between shar and troy and finidng out about whats up with ryan i think theser more to that story tho
CharminglyShar chapter 3 . 2/4/2010
i love it such an amazing chapter and troy is just way sweet with her aw im in love
CharminglyShar chapter 2 . 2/3/2010
i loved this chapter very much so. its starting out terrifically. i woinder whats going on with ryan and sam tho. that seemed to be a sudden outburst and aw with shar and troy but wow teddy had been in a hospital for a year thats a long time how old is the kid anyway?
CharminglyShar chapter 1 . 2/3/2010
great amazing spectacular first chapter i thouroughly enjoyed it and it tied things up nicely i cant wait to read more of their adventures and i know this was posted awhile ago but i hope everything is okay with your health
abril4 chapter 8 . 1/27/2010
Wow, this a very, very good fic, sad to say it isn't finished. Love the way you wrote Sharpay and Troy, the love and passion you wrote is visible in very page.

You are an amazing writer and I am sadden you didn't get a chance to finished this fic. I hope you get inspire and come back to finished this fic. I will put it in my Alerts..just incase you decided to grace us with other chapter. At least to wrap it up.

I also love the character Sam you wrote in, very strong character, you tackle on a subject with greatness. I'm impress and admire that in your writing, those are real issues and real problems you write about. Hopefully this will inspire other people.

Please come owe it to your writing!

fictionmaster777 chapter 8 . 5/5/2009
Amazing stuff. I doubt very much that chapter 8 ends the story so I'm waiting for the next part to come out because you are an amazing writer. I don't even like HSM and yet I love the stories you've written. Major kudos
xSuchAHotMess chapter 8 . 2/25/2009

bexbutterflyy chapter 8 . 2/21/2009
OMG LOVE the story! so hooked! pls update son!
troypazash chapter 8 . 7/12/2008
Great chapter! I'm so glad that Sam opened up to Troy, he shouldn't have kept all that to himself. Hopefully he and Ryan will get back on track now. I loved the ending with the Troypay cuteness. Their poor friends lol.
Clotisy chapter 8 . 7/9/2008
I swear Troy gets sweeter by the chapter. Those two together are so adorable.

I can't believe Sams parents.I feel so bad for him. I hope things work out for him and Ryan now

update soon!
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