Reviews for Warning Signs
Guest chapter 12 . 6/14/2016
Hey are you going to finish it
Guest chapter 8 . 8/28/2015
tigers r orange and they hide quite well.
Quazillionaire chapter 12 . 1/24/2013
Do you plan on finishing this at any point? It's really well-done so far, and I hate to see such a good story go to waste...
dbtiger63 chapter 12 . 12/22/2010
I like this FF though we differ on how KB should be used. Temari would make an almost perfect mate for Naruto. She has the strength to back him up the compassion to support him righteous enough to correct yet loving enough to consider his feelings. Oh yeah she is beautiful also!

Update soon since one of my favorite kunoichis is in danger.


dbtiger63 chapter 5 . 12/22/2010
I like training chapters helps see why the character is powerful or not. I like Jiraiya getting help training Naruto from other nins should enrich his experience. What is missing is the lack of kage bunshin usage while training. I don't think he should be more powerful quicker but having chakra control issues screams use KB 24/7 until it's no longer an issue. Learning two taijutsu styles? KB again are perfect for muscle memory. Then he can use his KB properly in fights having more skill and practice.


kyuubinovelli chapter 8 . 12/3/2010
thats a load of utter garbage about the orange. 1. sakura has pink hair and wears red dress. sasuke wears blue and white. one of nature's most successful animals are orange and they still manage to sneak up on nervous jittery animals. in a foerst environment which of the three do you think is best. barring earth tones and green forest prints.
Berserkerofhell chapter 12 . 6/9/2010
Great Story. I hope you haven't given up on it.
IasWraith chapter 12 . 12/8/2009
Love the story Im hoping you pick it up again please. Subscribing to keep an eye on it.
titania eli chapter 12 . 5/3/2009
Wow, like your story.. hm, is the old man with the stripe over its cheeks in chapter11 Roushi, the Yonbi?

This is interesting...I love stories regarding Jinchuuriki. The real Jinchuuriki, not those made-up ones writers had.

I'm glad Kishi finally show us the nine vessels.

Never been more glad. When are you going to update? I'm excited to know.

Is the others going to appear? Man, it would be weird if you introduce Killer Bee.. because he's of Kumo too.. and Yugito doesn't know of him..

Well, you could just say the Raikage didn't allow the two to meet? It would be really interesting.

Anyway, I think I'm rambling.. man, this got to be longest review. Lols. See ya.
Silver Phoenix7 chapter 12 . 4/26/2009
i love the story. when are you gonna update? please update...-whimpers-
Anon chapter 12 . 4/19/2009
Abandoned? ( That's a real shame, because this is an excellent story. I love how you've made Naruto and Temari not instantly fall in love at first sight, unlike most other fics out there. Was somewhat surprising, but a welcome change. Though I guess this review is kinda pointless coz you seem to have abandoned altogether. Ah well. Thnx for the read anyway )
Flying Raijin chapter 12 . 1/17/2009
This fic is very good! One of my favourites Naruto/Temari (I've been reading this pairing and like it a lot but rarely find stories with well developed ship)

Hope you update it! I can't help but notice that you haven't updated in a long time.
ST0RMAGEDD0N chapter 12 . 11/27/2008
please dont abandon this story. i hope you update it soon.
SeikoTuNeR chapter 6 . 11/25/2008
Hah. I had a feeling that they were betrothed.

You got a very mellow thing going on, story wise. Its rather down to earth, and it doesn't have Naruto screaming or yelling every sentence, which is nice.

Any action coming up soon?
SeikoTuNeR chapter 5 . 11/25/2008
Heh. Burn the pervert in me, that Omake was funny.
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