Reviews for Emerald Fog
Guest chapter 25 . 8/10
This definitely needs a sequel. The sequel should either be set during the war, when Voldemort is defeated, or after the war. Maybe both. For question 3, I have no idea. It might already be revised when I write this.
Guest chapter 24 . 8/10
Sooooo, Hermione has a crush on snape, he used to like lily, kissed Narcissa recently, one of the authors (who I noticed has a fair amount of control over this story) likes snupin, and Narcissa died which means... I am currently extremely confused.
Guest chapter 22 . 8/10
I agree with the sev/Remus but I think Severus feels guilty about lily, he liked her once, and they were friends. So yes to sev/lily but also that’s in the past
Guest chapter 15 . 8/10
Good chapter. Long chapter. Albeit, not all be it. Just one mistake. I like this fiction very much and I am sure you (three) can write your own series, maybe not one that will make you multi-millionaires, but really good one.
Guest chapter 11 . 8/10
Surely Hermione/Marco was incest?
Guest chapter 6 . 8/10
Demon Nightangel chapter 25 . 4/24
I can't believe you left us hanging! please don't do that to us! also please make Draco have some kind of creature feature if you can like wings if you don't mind.
hi chapter 25 . 8/14/2019
1) please god yes
2) when harry gets captured by the peeps (idk their names haha) and taken to Malfoy manor in book 7, but obviously tweaked bc of dracos parents lmao
3) idk man
Guest chapter 8 . 3/14/2019
Noooooooooooo not Snapeeeeee
2 W.a.s.t.e.d 4 L I F E chapter 10 . 12/20/2017
The drarry moments where great, i just wished that when there was a different character perspective that it would be an important one or useful to the story. I found myself skipping large irrelevant sections.
abstersdaboss chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
it's seems a bit rude to refer to black characters with race and not the white characters. You don't say the big white man behind her but you say the big black man behind her. maybe it's just me or something.
Guest chapter 25 . 9/22/2017
I think that it should be set a few months later or after the seventh book. Maybe 8th year.
And I think that it should be posted before it's revised.
Makaelia chapter 25 . 8/16/2017
WHAT THE FUCK I'M SHOOK AS FUCK. I fell in love with this story but it stabbed me in the heart in the end. Please continue and make a happy ending to end my suffering. Thank you.
Makaelia chapter 3 . 8/5/2017
I fell in love with this story immediately, which has only ever occurred with around two other fanfictions, one being part of a series. And I've read at least over a hundred of these. It isn't too formal or too emotional or too fast, and the events are building up slowly, yet smoothly and still somehow manage to be perfectly entertaining and loveable. I love how much depth is put into the plot, whereas many other writers immediately launch into Harry and Draco being in love. This is truly outstanding, original, and creative, and I like your little twist with the Greek goddesses and the Granger sisters. Your take on Belle is spectacular, too! I also love how long your chapters are; it seems like quality over quantity of chapters is a significant characteristic in your writing. Nonetheless, I would just like to note my appreciation towards those unique individuals like you. Thank you.
ILoveHermione chapter 2 . 6/8/2017
I thought Hermione's middle name was Jean
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