Reviews for Fated
pokeponda chapter 7 . 8/1/2019
Wait, Fuji's ex was an OC all this time? I thought it was Yukimura cause I thought Sei was short for Seiichi, I'm so dumb but at the same time, I'm glad that Yukimura wasn't the one who dumped Fuji because I like him
PheonixShadow chapter 23 . 3/29/2019
I haven't been on FFnet for AGES, but I suddenly thought of your fics and just plowed through a couple. It still amazes me how well-thought out your plots are, and the way your characters develop is so believable... of course, the ever-changing dynamics between our favorite pair just never fails to thrill me. ;)

I know you haven't updated any of your writing here for a long time now, but I hope however you're doing currently, you're still out there writing! It takes a lot of dedication to produce a good story and you've got that in spades. I hope we get to read more from you in the future. :) Kudos!
Yukia.Tsubaki chapter 23 . 3/5/2016
... where's my last chapter?
Yukia.Tsubaki chapter 9 . 3/5/2016
I hate my life. Why the fuck is Kentaro inside Nomorou?!
Julia chapter 23 . 11/5/2015
I loved every second of this roller coaster ride you took us on in the business world. Although it dealt with business it was never dull to me. The characters are all great in their roles and I loved the ending. I shed tears with Ryoma at the losses he took but thee last part really highlighted him as a man to me. He was just one man trying to take down a whole chain monopoly after really just wanting to punish one man for cheating on him. Thank you for the wonderful story
VanriddleZ chapter 23 . 8/19/2015
"Designed For You," the title of the last chapter, I found beautiful and so exciting. For it is true, the fate of oneself is that we forge ourselves. What I liked about the story was the Pair Thrill, and above all, it was emotional, all that Fuji, was willing to risk to win his love. He is very brave, I wish I could be a little like him. Goodbye, I'll see you again.

(Translated by Google Translate)
Worldpuppyday chapter 23 . 5/20/2014
There really is not enough Fuji and Ryoma, too many action and focus on other characters. Maybe you can make it up by putting a few more. Chapters about their life after the incident? And you didn't even give us full details on how Ryoma finally confessed! How could you do that to us! That should be the climax! I know the scene where Naruml or whatever he was called lost was supposing my the climax but what about the others? Their original intention was to torture Sei right, where's that original plan? Like how they're gonna make him beg for them to kill him? That would have been so cool for us to know haha. The ending was definitely tooooooo rushed, I wouldn't have minded if you took a bit more time to make more chapters rather than rushing the ending. The ending was more like a summary of what happened rather than the actual story. I really wish you could shape up the ending, well, I really do hope so!
Hikari-Hikaru chapter 23 . 5/13/2014
I loved it sooooooooooooo much and how Ryoma was super secretive. You wrote it so we'll that I was crying when my favourite characters died or when they were sad and lonely. I love it a lot and it was super good :)
RyoKei chapter 23 . 3/16/2014
I find it hard to read and leave a review for most of the chapters. A lot of people die, it's as if killing a person is a normal thing to do. Everything that happened were unpredictable, it's beyond my imagination. I really feel sorry for Kotona's death. It's a good thing there's Ryoga and Hitomi, along with Yukimura and Kamui to break the ice. Not to mention Fuji walking through their make-out sessions with the same reaction and the "Oh, don't mind me" line haha! The most touching scene for me is when Ryoma finally tells Fuji He love him too. I can only smile at the thought of that after all the things that happened. But come to think of it, it all started with just one person and that is Toshiro Sei. I never get to see what happened to Tooyama though.

And yes, I still want that last FINAL chapter. Since they've adopted Ryosuke, (I like the name, it's a combination of Ryoma and Syuusuke) will Fuji be Echizen Syuusuke too? And they could be one happy family :)
RyoKei chapter 14 . 3/15/2014
Oh no! As much as I want to say I love this chapter because of the thrill, but the events told me otherwise. It's rather frustrating because of Kenya, Nanako and Shun's death.
RyoKei chapter 9 . 3/14/2014
Eh? Kintarou? I wonder what will happen when he sees Ryoma, will he stil call him Koshimae? It seems it's getting interesting now.
KuroMickey chapter 9 . 2/25/2014
Just to point out something...
It should be tooyama kintarou and not Kentarou...
Good Hood and keep up with the story **
Nonymoose chapter 23 . 1/26/2014
I lurched your story, but I am upset that you didn't go into just a bit more detail about after Fuji got kidnapped... Great job though!
Guest chapter 23 . 1/4/2014
I'm just wondering, what happened to Tooyama? I think I missed his part. :( But great story though, author-nim. I am a fan of you, this story and your other stories as well. :)
Guest chapter 13 . 1/4/2014
I'm just wondering, what happened to Tooyama? I think I missed his part. :( But great story though, author-nim. I am your fan, this story and your other stories as well. :)
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