Reviews for Contemplating Again
derek chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
tifa saying to cloud I have always been your tifa you was just too blind to see that
derek chapter 1 . 11/7/2018
barmaid to cloud i love being your tifa
xSakuraRosesx chapter 1 . 3/23/2012
Amazing. Not sure what else to say. ;
heylalaa chapter 1 . 9/8/2009
again, another astonishing fic.

thank you so much. :)
dances.with.sunflowers chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
Obviously I love it! It shall be on le favorites! ;D Mucho love. (I can't speak Spanish, what am I doing?) XD

Rose Crowess chapter 1 . 7/21/2008
Very sweet, and well written. You got into Cloud's head, captured his thoughts perfectly, I felt. fav )
NicolettexMarie chapter 1 . 3/19/2008
I love the simplicity of this! It's very deep, but at the same time, it really captures Cloud. Love it.
Qwi-Xux chapter 1 . 3/8/2008
I really enjoyed this. It was a great reflecting moment for Cloud, and also wonderful to see him thinking about Aerith and then Tifa, yet in different ways. (And of course, loved that he thought of her as 'his Tifa.') It was so sweet and fluffy, but it was not overdone or complete mush that was OOC. Like, if they had suddenly started smooching, it would have been very unrealistic, but you did this very smoothly.
ellumina chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
A very sweet story. You did an excellent job with Cloud's character showing him as the still confused, somewhat reluctant hero trying to understand how important the people around him are.

I love that he's figuring himself out by thinking of Tifa and Aerith and I love that you're actually using Aerith's flowers to emphasize his feelings for Tifa, a beautiful way to connect all three chracters.

Truly well done!
shibara1310 chapter 1 . 1/18/2008
Omg! I need to put you on Author Alert. Lol! Another great CloTi oneshot! You have Cloud's character drawn out very well, Tifa too. I like the last line the best, especially since he's thinking of giving Tifa the flower. His Tifa! Huzzah for CloTi!

Anywho, keep up the great work!
knowitallshirley chapter 1 . 12/31/2007
I love this line: "He was older now, more experienced, more wise...but at the same time, as stupid as ever."

I was totally nodding my head and smiling when I read that.

I love the way you portray Cloud. Even though he may be powerful he's so naive! "Tifa liked Aerith's flowers." Your cloti stories make me smile. Thanks!
4thFromTheFurnace chapter 1 . 12/31/2007
Well well well, you've done it again! Even though this one isn't as uber fluffy as I'm used to, I really really like this. Maybe it's the fact that it just flows with the ending of Advent Children and it seriously seems like something you'd see after the credits of the movie... That is so cool. I love this one! This one brings the big smile and the content sigh factor. It's so realistic and in character, as usual, so, yay! Cookies for you! (Don't eat them unless you have a death wish, I can't cook...) I love how, in the beginning, Cloud still almost relies on Aerith but as the fic goes on, he kind of learns to walk on his own, like a kid on a bicycle learning to ride without training wheels. Anywho, Great job once again and Hapy New Year! Tootles and God bless you!
Summoner Luna chapter 1 . 12/31/2007
Great job! I love seeing such an avid and adept CloudxTifa writer as yourself :) My favorite part of this is not just that you have Cloud brining her one of the flowers, but that you mention Tifa loving the flowers (I hate when writers make Tifa angsty and avoidant of the Aerith issue). So very cute, and so very in character to me...once again, great work! :)
medstudent1026 chapter 1 . 12/31/2007
I like it... I always like cloud and tifa stories... the decent ones, anyway... Hope you make many more cloud and tifa stories... the world needs a lot of them...hehe
elebelly chapter 1 . 12/31/2007
aww this wa really sweet ] great fic once again!

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