Reviews for Through the Ages
Guest chapter 28 . 2/15/2019
I guess you're not going to continue this story after all these years but know that it's very, very good and deserves a proper ending. Still, as it is, I love it.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/14/2019
Haha, this is my favorite disclaimer so far xD It actually made me laugh out loud.
Ah, I love how accurately, for fanfiction story purposes, you use elements of Japanese culture and history. I like the idea of power struggle and conspiration thrown in here, too.
However, again, inconsistent use of suffixes aside (if you want to use them, then remember that Manta always calls Anna "Anna-san" and Yoh "Yoh-kun", for example), I don't think it's a good idea to randomly throw in Japanese words - ano, ne, baka, hai etc. Of course I'm more than okay with Japanese language but not in English fanfiction. It just makes it look less professional, you know.
But overall, oh boy, Iove this so much! All Shaman King characters have been perfectly in character so far, I appreciate it. And I'm happy to know what the rest of the squad in the 20th century's been up to.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/14/2019
Ugh, sorry, this is continuation of the previous review: I meant to say "out of place". And that you could've translated it to something like "Lord Hao". Just a piece of advice for you.
That's all.
Back to reading. I can't wait to find out what happens in chapter 3!
Guest chapter 2 . 2/14/2019
As a university student whose major is Japanese Studies, I knew I was going to enjoy it very much. I kinda wish I could be sent to Heian-kyo with Manta xD
I was so excited when he met the one and only Murasaki Shikibu.
Oh boy, I'm going to like it so much :)
One criticism though, if you don't mind: it was a little odd that after two chapters of using no honorific suffixes (either having them translated or skipped, whatever was suitable) Manta suddenly said "Hao-sama". I think it was a bit out
HopeandStruggle chapter 28 . 12/11/2018
I love this so much, I really hope you can continue with the story. Manta is the only one who can save everyone at this point and I really hope he can fix what little trust Hao from the past had in him.
Asheepwhoforgot chapter 1 . 10/31/2018
I cant believe its been this long, like dude i love to come back to this and reread it all the time. really great piece of work
YukiYuu48 chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
I haven't finished the whole thing yet BUT I really like this story a lot. You stick with the characters' personality (nobody changes) and the original plot. At first, I was like ok, that's like a normal day for everyone. Then when I read the next chapter, I'm like wow this reminded me of Fushigi Yuugi except you don't fall in the book lol.

I think Manta is a great character to use this history story and I loved you go back to the present time where Yoh/Hao have like moments. I wondered if Manta can go back to the present time and see everyone. Anyway, I'm not rushing you but I really hope you can continue this story because this is an amazing and fascinating story. Also, this is the best one in Shaman King fanfic.
Ale123456 chapter 27 . 6/1/2018
Once more, I have to express how much I adore your story.
I hope you continue this story again. I'll continue to be patient.
I honestly believe that this story is my number one favorite fanfiction of all time. At the very least top ten for certain.
Everyone is in character, it's a fantastic and original plot idea. All the characters are well fleshed out, and you are a good writer as well. I have nothing but praise for this work.
I am excited to read what comes next if you do in fact continue. And I feel very hopeful that you will.

Thanks again for writing at least this much! :)
Ale chapter 27 . 5/26/2018
Another lovely chapter. Once again, I'd like to express my love for this story. I liked that image of present-day Hao waiting to speak to Manta haha. I'm still very nervous about what's to come in this story, and enjoying how everything is coming together :D
Ale chapter 26 . 5/26/2018
Ah! I hadn't seen these last few chapters the last time I read this! How exciting! I know it's still not marked as completed, but this gives me even more hope that this amazing story will some day have a conclusion. I have faith in you! :)

Even if it never ends, I'll still end up rereading it every couple of years haha.
Ale123456 chapter 18 . 5/18/2018
Again, I love this story so much (please update?). It's so well written, I just adore all the little details. It feels very much like a professionally written novel instead of a fanfiction. This is easily my number one favorite story on . Thanks again for writing at least as far as you did (even if I'd love to see more).

On this chapter, seeing Manta getting close to figuring out that Hao can read minds and still not figuring it out, and, as of the last written chapter, never figuring it out. I think figuring that little piece out will help so much in understanding and maybe changing things. I wish I could have read how you wrote that part. I know this story is only downhill from this point (bad things happening). I guess I'll just have to keep imagining the happy (or not so happy?!) ending. :)
Thanks for being an awesome author!
Ale123456 chapter 15 . 5/16/2018
This chapter is so creepy and so good. I love the gradual build on Hao kinda snapping.
He's trying so hard, but the mind reading just makes everything so much worse.
Ale123456 chapter 7 . 5/12/2018
I'm reading this story for a third (at least?) time, and it's still as good as I remember it. I know it's basically a dead fic, but I'm still holding out hope for an eventual update :)
AstralSakura chapter 28 . 3/9/2018
So beautiful story! Please, keep going.
Satiah chapter 28 . 6/2/2017
I've been reading this story over the course of (probably) eight years, on a succession of five computers, and at least one household move. I lost track of it for a while when one hard drive failed unexpectedly and nobody could repair it, and since I hadn't been reading actively, I had forgotten what it was called. (This was back in the days when was fairly low-tech and the search engine had no idea what I was asking it to find.)

In any case, I recently rediscovered "Through the Ages" and figured it was about time I finished it. It took a while for the rusty gears of my memory to kick in and bring the story back to me, but I got there, and it was well worth the effort.

I have always enjoyed this story. I love the effort you put into creating the Heian Japan Hao knew from his previous life. I enjoyed the colorful court and the peaceful pace of your storytelling at the beginning, the rapidly unfolding drama of the middle, and the completely unexpected events toward the end. And Manta turned out to be a great choice for a time-traveler; I was unsure at first how the story would progress, whether he would be rescued right away and have to face the wrath of the present Hao. But with Manta stuck in the past, you allowed his character to grow in strength, and it was just a really fun read. I particularly enjoyed the juxtaposition between Manta's friendship with Past-Hao and his blatant distrust of Present-Hao in Chapter 28.

I have a great appreciation for authors who decide to take on the task of writing a multi-chapter epic of this length; it amazes me to see how characters and worlds are developed through it all. And, as I mentioned before, this story has held my interest for years. In case you decide not to finish it, let me finally thank you for this adventure. I had a blast.
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