Reviews for The Fortunate Fall
Isarma chapter 1 . 3/26
Just wanted to say that I absolutely loved this story. It actually made me cry a little. Lovely work. Keep up the amazing writing! :)
NawelKim chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Wonderful story! Oh how I detested Raphael.. I wish it was him but even though it's frustrating not knowing who attacked Draco, in the end it is not relevant to the whole fic. I loved how you wrote Draco's struggle to accept himself physically and getting back his self confidence. I loved the serene atmosphere surrounding Harry. Thank you for a beautiful journey.
idrabble chapter 1 . 8/11/2017
unfittingpuzzlepieces chapter 1 . 6/18/2017
I really, really liked this story. This story of learning to love and accept, of valueing oneself and others, because the people who assume a need for flawnessness and perfection in order for a person to deserve being valued, really know s hit about life. (wow that sentence got out of hand. Even more so since my english deserts me at this time of day)
SarahLuzie chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
Great story. I wish I could see Ron explode and George laughing is arse off.
The story is really good and deep.
T S Potter Malfoy chapter 1 . 2/14/2017
Awesome story! Please keep going. Thereza is so much to say! The meeting with the parents, and with Ron, for exemplo.
barb20 chapter 1 . 9/25/2015
Great story. I would've loved to read something about Ron's reaction, though.
iadorespike chapter 1 . 9/5/2015
Very good, and with such an interesting ending. I love that you didn't wrap it up neatly with a healed Draco and captures assailant. I love that Harry is enough for Draco to step back out into the Harry's honesty and steadfastness won the day. His caring and sharing when Draco *confessed* his various *sins*, and the way he held him and let him cry it out was awesome. I loved that Harry wanted a real relationship - emotional and messy as they can sometimes be and all. He wanted the true involvement of two lives, not just *fun*. Really well done.

Thanks so much!
Brill chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
I loved, loved, LOVED, Harry in this. So laid back, so calm and so utterly realistic.

My only complaint is that Draco's self-consciousness was not deeply explored. Yes, you did a very good job with 16K words, no doubt about it. But it's a very relatable dilemma, and I wanted to connect more to his character because of it. You did an amazing job with this one shot, and I hope to find more like this as I go through your vast collection.

tamer.of.the.wild.things.13 chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
:( I wanted Draco to meet the snapdragons!
Jessica McCulley chapter 1 . 4/9/2015
I like that they know each others worst parts of their past but move on together. And that their not all sex too fast.
melbulcao2008 chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
I loved this! Great, great work! Raphael was driving me so crazy, I wanted it to be him so they could kill him and move on... Oops is my true Slytherin self coming through? ;)

Wonderful story, definitely left me wanting more!
I know okay chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
Pretty good.
Rayniekinnz chapter 1 . 11/25/2014
Wow, kept getting distracted, but I re-read and I loved! TT-TT Why must you break my heart so?

I love the last paragraph where Draco is tying up his hair - just the image of what Harry teases him about is...I don't even know, it's just really too funneh. Really domestic, too, which I adore. You can't really be offended when it's your lover saying it...[unless they're being malicious, of course.]

[shakes head] Whenever you have OCs, you never fail to make them highly unlikable - to me, anyway. Perhaps some have been redeemable, but I'm mostly just like "oh eew go away and let me Drarry okay" XD

Lovely story!
Moonlight Cosmic Angel chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
it was great is there a sequel where they find the culprit?
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