Reviews for Want to vanish inside your kiss
Wolvmbm chapter 1 . 1/28/2008
I found this story very cool. :)

In fact I was so impress with your story and your profile of Raven adn Beast boy stories that I would like to invite you into reading some of my Raven and Beast Boy tales. :D

I Guarantee you'll love them once you read them. :D
Agent of the Divine One chapter 1 . 12/6/2007
Oh yeah! That is the way!

Indeed, it isn't her powers that are a threat, but what is expressed through her powers. And this emotion is just fine. :)
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 1 . 12/6/2007
Very nice BB/Rae interaction.

Of course he understands her; he doesn't have to keep his emotions on check but his animal instincts.

Keep the good writing.
timkhj chapter 1 . 12/6/2007
Very nicely done :) Great flow throughout the piece. Good job :)
Qwertymann chapter 1 . 12/6/2007
An excellent oneshot with pretty solid dialogue and decent description. Your descriptive text could've been better, it doesn't feel natural. You should proofread this as you have some spelling and grammar mistakes. Your end line could've been better as well. It seemed... odd, and a little out of place.

Other than that, I enjoyed this story a good amount. Your characters are excellent! I hope to see more BBRae goodness from you in the future.