Reviews for More than what we're supposed to be
ollie8 chapter 1 . 1/6/2008
This is so cute! I love it. I really like your writing style too, the descriptions are very real.
Dee8907 chapter 9 . 12/29/2007
I really enjoyed the style of this story. Some stories just don't connect with me, but this one definitely did! I loved it.
dancer288 chapter 9 . 12/16/2007
great job...loved every min of it!
hidden-in-the-pictures chapter 8 . 12/14/2007
"ruined lives, bloodshed, epic?" you wouldn't happen to be a Veronica Mars fan would you? Very cute chapter
ARSpunky chapter 8 . 12/14/2007
This story is so cute and really well written! I REALLY wish this is what would have happened on the show. Last season was so hard to watch but I love this story! I can't wait for the showdown between Jim and Roy. Great Job! Update soon! :)
UmiUmiSumi chapter 8 . 12/14/2007
Your story has been lots of fun to read. ) Although, at first I was asking myself, "Is Dwight that dumb?" but then I realized that he was, at least, that gullible.
dancer288 chapter 8 . 12/14/2007
great job!
CoffeeObsessed chapter 5 . 12/10/2007
So, I think this could be good if you read through to catch some mistakes before publishing. There were a few: you said "and" instead of "an" a couple times. You also called Roy Pam's husband instead of fiance or husband-to-be. There were a few places where the wording was off and some of the sentences were choppy, but I like where this story is going!
dancer288 chapter 4 . 12/9/2007
yay...loved this chapter u knew he couldn't stay mad at her for long!
maddikinz940 chapter 4 . 12/8/2007
OMG loved this chapter. so good cannot wait until you update new chapter, I read it twice it was so good.
halpert7 chapter 4 . 12/8/2007
love it! can't wait for an update. very original!
pambeesly chapter 3 . 12/8/2007
I really like this story, we always see melancholy Jim, or pining Jim, it's refreshing to see angry Jim - granted that it's short lived. Please post more soon!
maddikinz940 chapter 3 . 12/7/2007
really good, but I cannot believe what and asshole jim is being. so good. please please continue.