Reviews for The Pemalite Chronicles
Sunflower shine chapter 13 . 5/25/2009
OMG! That was the saddest thing i've ever read. i nearly cried my eyes out!
Her Misguided Ghost chapter 13 . 3/23/2009
W-O-W! That was amazing, I nearly cried at the end! Bravo, bravo, and also bravo. I loved the end, especially,

“Loros?” I said, after the silence had become too much to bear.

“Yes, E’rok?” She asked.

“Would you like to play?”

It's just so sweet because it really captures the whole Pemalite Spirit in that all they wanted to do was play. I really think that you did an excellent job on this. Wow!
Atlastme chapter 13 . 2/6/2009
Aw... I LOVED the ending! And your writing is beautiful, but you knew that. This is such a perfect story. A.K. should have included it in her series, as a form of condolence for Rachel's death and the dark ending of the Animorphs series.

Thanks SO much for writing this!
Atlastme chapter 6 . 2/6/2009
O... a twist! Layek's not a normal Pemalite! Very cool. And very necessary, I'd say. You do the books a great service by telling the story in such a cannonical way, but I hope there is more unexpected stuff in the future - without getting outside cannon of course. Having a BLAST over here!
Atlastme chapter 4 . 2/6/2009
Wow! This is a lot of fun! I'm SO glad you are writing the Pemelite Chroniciles! And you're doing a brilliant job too! I love this!

My only criticism is that there is a lot of overt romance in this, when A.K. Applegate was always much more seeky about that. Of course, I understand that it is a way to emphasize the Pemelites' loving nature. But, you can tell it's not A.K. that way.

Anywho, great job! I think the Pemelite's happiness is rubbing off on me... lol.
Skyflight Erek's Loyalty chapter 13 . 11/15/2008
This story is so great! Poor Erek. And Siran and Tirah and Layek and all the others. :( This story was so well-written. You did a great job of getting into the Pemalite and Chee minds. And I love anything about Erek, so... :D Just wondering, is Loros Lourdes? Cause they're both female Chee and their names sort of sound alike. Anyways, great job! This is definately going on my favorites page.
KityPryde chapter 13 . 10/28/2008
Oh my gosh that was so sad, I literally cried. I feel so bad for the pemalites and the chee, they were so innocently happy before the Howlers came. The way this story was written you could just feel their terrible sorrow.

But what a wonderfully written story, and I thought the ending was very appropriate. I could see this actually being the official Pemalite Cronicles. Excellent job.
Squito chapter 13 . 3/14/2008
That was such a beautiful ending-though obviously tragic. Good work. Wolfie's gonna feel sore after that I'm guessing
Faith360 chapter 13 . 3/14/2008
That was darn awesome. I love it. Nice way to end it.

Mrowrkat98 chapter 13 . 3/14/2008
Wow! What an amazing ending! I loved this story and if it's not already on my favorites, I'm adding it now!
Squito chapter 11 . 3/12/2008
Poor Siran. (And his girl too!)

Please continue. This story's so sad, but hey, it's a tragedy. (weep, sniff) I E'rok Erek?
Faith360 chapter 12 . 3/11/2008
Wow, nice way to end it. Good job.

FieryGaze chapter 11 . 3/2/2008
;) This is a great fanfic. Update soon!
Faith360 chapter 11 . 3/2/2008
Aw, E'Rok's sad about not having a soul. That's cute. Update soon!

Pharrells Girl chapter 11 . 3/1/2008
Hey ho! We're back in the saddle with this one. I really like the part where they are talking about souls...very transcendant, I like seeing Erek giving in to someone/something. Overall an excellent chapter.
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