Reviews for Never Gone
Bella Scullw chapter 17 . 8/18
What surprised me the most was that the fic was focused more on AmixZoisite, I didn't dislike it, I clarify XD, I just didn't expect them to take the climax of the story. And that Ryo became the bad guy was also a surprise but hey, it's not that I particularly regret it either.

As I said in the first of my reviews, what I remembered perfectly from this story was Naru and Umino, I loved that you gave them their space in Usagi's new life, that in fact they had also lived in the Silver Millennium. In the anime they were forgotten after the fourth arc, and it was sad because they had so much to give as part of Serena's normal life. I loved how you portrayed her adult life and how Naru was affected when Usagi was totally detached from her because of her battles. With the memories of returning from their past lives it gave me relief and joy that the bond that Usagi let go of could be repaired.

There is one thing I do regret, although that is a strange taste. When I read Sailor V I liked Ace / Danburite, he was not the most normal and sane guy in the world, but I did not see him so twisted, I interpreted that "fortune" more as a simple statement due to the way in which Minako as Venus had been So loyal to Serenity. That she would always choose her princess over love. Was it cruel? Certainly, but that corrupted bond between Venus and Danburite was important to me. Anyway, I liked that you gave it its importance, as few read Sailor V, almost nobody touches that subject and in Sailor Moon Minako never mentions it, that she has that fear etched in her heart. It was devious when she was disturbed by the attack on Kunzite because of her connection to Zoisite and Neprhite (Kyouya, Tamaki, and Seiya) and immediately thinks that it is because of Danburite's fortune. Fortunately, Kyoya managed to calm her down.

In conclusion I loved this whole saga of fics. Thank you for writing it, I loved every relationship and how you developed it, and this climax was perfect to close everything. The fact that not only the Senshi had their happy ending, but also that Endymion was able to win back her friends and guardians and reform their bond moved me greatly. I wish something like this had happened in canon.

Kisses, Bella.
Guest chapter 17 . 5/3
So wonderful.
walkingspring chapter 17 . 1/5
walkingspring chapter 15 . 1/5
Dreamer chapter 17 . 3/27/2018
Jecir, I absolutely loved this series! The romance, drama, angst, comedy, and just all around pacing was done to perfection and I know I'll be back to reread this gem someday. Please don't ever delete it. The grammar and spelling were also great, so just wanted to say thank you for that.

If I may be so bold as to make a request, I would love to see a next generation fic where the children of all of these couples help the next Sailor Moon - Chibiusa - in Crystal Tokyo and find their own love lives. Totally fine if you don't do it, but I feel like you'd do that story justice.

This series was wonderful and I also want to thank you for the way you incorporated previously minor Sailor Moon characters like Umino, Naru, Yoichiro, Rei's grandfather, and Ryo. Umino and Naru were represented in a fabulous way and I'm so thankful that they were featured here. Please keep up the great work!
Amanda27A.g chapter 17 . 4/8/2017
i liked this
Smokingbomber chapter 7 . 1/21/2017
I just love you so much. I love this universe. I love these characters. I love them all. And this fight is so beautiful and so perfect. ;.;
ElaiisTaiE chapter 17 . 9/21/2016
I think this might be the best version of the Shittenou returning I've ever read.
Kasienda chapter 17 . 10/15/2015
Been a long time since I got this into a story! Thank you for writing it!

I very much enjoy your interpretation of the shitennou. You make them unique characters, distinct from one another! Nice work!
Glimare chapter 17 . 4/10/2015
This was awesome! i love this world you made and wish it could go on forever, but it's good ending here too. You're amazing, hands down. and I love how you wrote the men. Well done!
Glimare chapter 4 . 4/10/2015
DOCTOR WHO! Love you forever now. XD Ten forever!
Lovergyul chapter 17 . 1/8/2015
This story was amazing!
DTphantom chapter 17 . 10/27/2014
Did I miss something? Why is Zoisite called Tanzanite?
Veritas Found chapter 1 . 9/17/2013
So I just spent way more time than I probably should have reading this little series, but egads. This story was gorgeous, and I loved every minute of it. The characterizations, the relationships you dug around in - and I love the idea that it wasn't the Shitennou themselves that were brainwashed by Beryl/Metallia but siblings/clones (well, ok, excluding Jadeite, but even then you had this great reason behind it). Just...yeah. I loved this, and your writing rocks, and keep doing what you do
Guest chapter 17 . 8/21/2013
Very nice, how about some mini scouts.
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