Reviews for How to Love a Somebody
TheDreamOnElmStreet chapter 21 . 1/17/2013
Hey! Wow i really liked this fic a lot. im really looking forward to sticking through the sequel! thanks for writing, this was great :)
sana-chan9 chapter 21 . 11/22/2012
XionAmmy chapter 20 . 6/22/2012
Oh my god. Please tell me there's a sequel. I am begging you to tell me that the awesomeness does not end yet.

I loved this. Through and through. It's made it to the rereads list—when I get around to doing so, I'm not sure, but the point stands.
sheiksleopardthong chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
Good start, I'm looking forward to reading the rest. But it was kinda weird when it was said that Myde wrote the song but then it was Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden. I know technically they don't exist in KH and it's your story but if you say original song you could have describes the emotion instead of writing the lyrics, you know? But I will continue reading nooooow~
Hikaru SD chapter 20 . 12/7/2011
They're finally gonna leave together! Okay, onto the next chapter!... Except there IS no next chapter :/

How could you do this to meh? You captivated my interest in this story, and i fell for it, hook, line, and sinker... But then... They run away. I was waiting for Myde to be turned into a heartless so that Demyx would be born (MULLET-MAN! XD) and then see the drama that happens in the pairing that is Zemyx! D:

Yes i am an evil jerk that likes angst-y endings, sue me :P

But still, i love this, and i just hope (currently praying like mad) that you make a sequel for this :)
silver-eyed-fox chapter 8 . 4/10/2011
This is getting... GOOD. No joke, I'm babysitting my cousin and I'v been sitting here reading this for the past hour. I'm completely captivated. Although I'm concerned about my cousin. If he breaks something I'm blaming you for writing such an amazing story. Can't wait to carry on
KuroOhkami chapter 1 . 3/14/2011
I really loved this story when I first read it and I'm rereading it with the revamping and I have to say that I still love it! I hope you keep writing because I would love to read more of your stories with this pairing.
Laxavon chapter 15 . 2/10/2011
I love the foreshadowing you did with Axel regarding his future with Roxas. That was really clever.
cho-chan09 chapter 20 . 9/26/2010
I'd demand a sequel but I sorta like the end. It has no finite to it, giving it so many possibilities. I loved every word, I truly did. Thank you so much! _
cho-chan09 chapter 19 . 9/26/2010
I lost my glasses the last time I went to a fair, about 3 or 4 years ago. It was still fun though. However, I was not attacked by Heartless (nor was I on a date .) so that's a bit of a plus I think. I don't want it to end but I just have to make it through! _
cho-chan09 chapter 18 . 9/26/2010
OMG Myde was so darn cute asking Zexion outright like that. I adored their clumsy virgin sex too. So glad they made up and got passed their problem. Broken trust can always be repaired with a bit of love. _
cho-chan09 chapter 17 . 9/26/2010
Zexion should've just baked Myde an apology cupcake. That would've worked for me. I love sweets. X3 And I love Axel. He's such a brute, but he's a great friend. (Until he kills Zexy for his own means, but that's another story...) _
cho-chan09 chapter 16 . 9/26/2010
*sniffle* I get around to reading and it tears me to pieces! DX Not only does my dislike for Xaldin grow, but my love for Axel as well. I feel that it's just all downhill from here and I am loving this ride. _
cho-chan09 chapter 15 . 9/21/2010
I wish I could sleep for a week; a dreamless sleep mind you, and one where no one would need me. *sigh* I guess I can wish and hope all I want. And now Xaldin is here to crash the party. Oh goodie. _
cho-chan09 chapter 14 . 9/16/2010
Oh man! Such a lovely long chapter. X3 Haha When Zexion went into Axel's personal library, I thought he'd find the whole Junjou Romantica collection or something. XD That'd be just so epic! He could learn quite a bit from those actually... *ahem* Anyway! No! DX Zexion, don't die again completely! I would cry. TT It really is Thursday and I was getting ready for school (yes, reading fanfiction is part of my get ready for school routine) and I actually looked out my window to see if there was a strange hot guy in my backyard. I was disappointed. LoL This just gets better and better! _
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