Reviews for ECLIPSE
lynda.key1 chapter 5 . 9/17/2013
Just started ch 6 and I'm in love with this story!
ghostleon chapter 62 . 9/10/2013
Good to see your back, interesting chapter it seems Mitsuki is finally discovering the truth.
cooldude6745 chapter 2 . 8/22/2013
i'm loving your story.
PrimaMalum chapter 60 . 8/22/2012
Man, I've followed this story since it was published. Such an interesting idea. Aurora, the AI's, the Spartans themselves, the minor characters, the detail, the plot, the lore. Everything about this story just oozes in both detail and overwhelming evidence of how much thought and time you put into this epic masterpiece.

Not only has your writing improved vastly over these past 5 years, but you have managed to keep all of these chapters consistent to each other without any faults, nor have you made any of your readers, including me, lose interest.

Not only do you manage to keep conversations filled with rich and well-written dialogue that keep the reader glued to his screen, you manage to make the reader become emotionally attached to the smallest of characters due to your character development being absolutely brilliant.

This isn't a fanfiction, this isn't some short story that tells a small tale about a group of characters with a simple objective. This is a novel that delivers so much more than what a fanfiction is actually worth. It gives time and development to the smallest of characters, gives so much more story to things that would normally be panned away after a chapter.

Everything in this story is given plenty of exposition and gives the reader an understanding to the world you have created. You have been tasked with giving "Aurora" lore with an interesting race, a reason why the covenant attack, a reason for saving the planet, a reason why we should read this story. You sir, have given us more than enough reasons and explanations to all of this.

Another thing that I love is the anime-feel to this story. Your character designs are so detailed and unique to the Halo universe and keeps your story open to so many new ideas and paths to set upon. That is the strongpoint of this story, it's unique characters and the way they interact with eachother.

Granted I can feel the typical anime trope vibe in the romance...for it is a bit cheesy but that is to be expected. And this is what amazes me, most writers tend to be good at either character development and writing or well-detailed action sequences and events.

You are to be praised for both, your story supplies a solid plot, solid characters, brilliant writing, amazing action sequences, and leaves the audience wanting more. You may not know it Spartan, but you have created a masterpiece of storytelling.

You deserve so much more praise, so much more attention to this story and it baffles me that all the attention goes to shitty 12 year old fanfiction writers that don't take their time and just want to get to the part they thought about writing in their mainstream anime.

This story is one of the best ever, including out of novels, movies, games, poetry, anything. If this was the plot to a Halo game, I would buy it full price legendary edition with a limited time cover of Eric, Devon, Kalder, and Jimmy in the front looking all kick-ass while Calabrese, Shepard and Mio reside on the sidelines while Dokuro, Mitsuki, Yuna, Adrine, and Kobalt sit down in front of their spartan protectors, all looking out into the world in front of them.

This is the untold journey of a group of Spartans deployed into a massive city to take on the covenant, but it's more than that, it truly is. This is a story I will continue to read for years to come, savoring every chapter, every moment that continues to give me hope that there will still be such beautiful writing like this in the future of fanfiction.

This is a perfect 5/5 and earns my badass seal of approval. I cannot wait for your conclusion to this journey, this masterpiece in writing. If someone new to fanfiction wants to write a story and learn the ropes, this is the fanfiction that they should take after.

Never stop writing Spartan, your imagination and excellence will provide a strongpoint in your life for more masterpieces such as this.

KidSavesTheWorld chapter 14 . 4/1/2012
ok I'm not trying to be a dick here but I can't read the rest of this story. It annoys me to no end that ur dialogue isn't separated by spacing. Eg:

"this annoys me"


Instead of

"this annoys me" "meh"

Basically, that is one this that shits me to no end and i would continue reading this if it were edited.
adrine R.227 chapter 57 . 2/23/2012
wow, i loved the memories! they were great! sorry i haven't reviewed in forever. c'est la vie. but now, onto the other chapters!
Mathinza chapter 59 . 2/19/2012

Just. Damn.

Seriously, this Fic just keeps getting better and better. I have been neglecting this fic for a while now, now i see the error of my ways.

This is fucking awesome.

Holyballs, fuckshitavenue. I can't believe how i ever put this fic down. Seriously, this is so kickass that chuck norris' head would explode from the amount of awesome contained within the words typed here.

With everything from Jimmy's entrance to Celebrese's.. -sigh-

It just got more and more awesomer with each chapter. I especially loved the pasts of all the AIs, really, it was so damn amazing i dont think it could be done any better.

The only one thing i think would ever be even SLIGHTLY less incredible about this Fic would be the transition into city-scale combat, to tight spaced mauls in corridors. I've always loved Fics that just go crazy on scale, while still focusing on individual characters trying to make their ways to certain places, or even meeting up.

As was with that young child, Yuki(?). I just loved how she was such a focusing point at that part of the Fic, and such a powerful motivator for one VERY mad SPARTAN.

I'd like to see that massive scale make a comeback, but this is your fic, imma let you write it.

Celebrese, Good work soldier. Good work.

Oh hello Assassins Creed reference to Dokuro's weapons. Nifty!

Cannot WAIT for the next chapter.
Atrolus chapter 58 . 1/16/2012
58 was Powerful!

From the start we already knew what the outcome for (Living) Kobalt would be. But as you read through the chapter you get sucked into the efforts of Dr. Halsey and can't help but to cheer her on and hope that everything succeeds. But then it comes to an end or at least for living Kobalt it does. However, then you have Halsey turn around with her determination and laser sharp focus to make it so Kobalt's death would not be forgotten.

Great work, Spartan. You make each character unique with there own stories and issues. You never leave them in the background or have them shadow other more important characters.

Nice job! I look forward to chapter 59 and the chapters that come after it!

-Atrolus Spartan V84-
Atrolus chapter 57 . 12/30/2011
Very Nice!

That was a much needed chapter. Kinda like a small break in a rain storm, taking the mind off of the, seemingly unending rain and letting someone enjoy a few rays of sunlight. Again, nice job. Can't wait to see what Dokuro is looking for as well as what else lies in store for the other main characters in Eclipse!

-Atrolus Spartan-V84-
adrine R.227 chapter 56 . 12/22/2011
Great chapter! loved the part with the ODST's!
HueHueHue15 chapter 3 . 12/20/2011
Excellent work,keep writing
Guest chapter 55 . 11/14/2011
Awesome! Yuna is BOSS! I want a picture of Yuna with a sniper rifle! Yuna made all the Spartans proud!

-Atrolus Spartan V84-
Atrolus chapter 55 . 11/12/2011
Awesome! Yuna is BOSS! I want a picture of Yuna with a sniper rifle! Yuna made all the Spartans proud!

-Atrolus Spartan V84-
adrine R.227 chapter 55 . 11/11/2011
great job! i love jimmy and adrine's tactics! brilliant, and the guns are cool too! . keep up the good work
adrine R.227 chapter 54 . 9/24/2011
Oh good job. I like The guys' military talk in the middle of the chapter. It really brings it to life. It's also nice to know that We get to see more Jimmy and Yuna and Adrine. Glad you updated. It was great! I hope it all works out in the end.
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