Reviews for Burning the Picket Fence
Regin chapter 39 . 6/7/2013
I Love, I Like, I Lust!Please Update Soon!
angel19872006 chapter 39 . 6/1/2010
please update
Milarca chapter 2 . 4/20/2010
I can tell this is going to be a very good fic :) heads up, I like your characters, the story is funny and well written, and the first chapter was so good :D can't wait to read more.
polkadotprincess09 chapter 39 . 6/26/2009
Wow... this took a while to read through.

But this is an outstanding story, and I love that it keeps my interest!

Also, there's always a new twist, but it never gets cheesy.

Plus Sylar is a sexy beast. _

Keep up the AMAZING work and please post more soon!
Synch chapter 39 . 5/18/2009
Loved this addition. I really liked the bits you added to what I helped out with, and the changes you made. Made those sections much, much, better.

Can't wait to see where you go with this, and to keep helping out with my OCs. I'm loving this story.
wickedplumgirl chapter 21 . 5/15/2009
“Not even a full minute had passed before we turned around and there was your former lover and your son practically peeking out of her twat waving ‘Hi Daddy’!

dear lord, i think you just won the whole internet...
wickedplumgirl chapter 12 . 5/15/2009
“Yeah Bob!” She shouted. “It’s a huge ass problem! You paired me up with a serial killer! This guy eats brains for snacks!”

“Oh common!” Sylar groaned behind her. “That’s just a vicious rumor, probably started by that ass wipe Peter Petrelli! He always was jealous of me because I look better in black than he does.”

wickedplumgirl chapter 3 . 5/15/2009
Wow this is very well written. Nicely laid out, grammar is excellent, everyone is in character. Has a nice flow to it, not too jerky, each scene blends perfectly into the next.

So far I love the sexual tension between Sylar and Sarah, it is very nicely done, not too over the top or cliched or naive.

Good work! I am only on ch. 3 but just had to to let you know how much I am enjoying this! Off to read more!
Synch chapter 38 . 4/15/2009
Thanks for the shout out. You did an awesome job with this chapter.

You did an excellent job writing Havoc. And an even better job crafting the chapter.

Loved where you took Eden's death and made it your own- showing some of what happened bts that we didn't see. Great job.

Can't wait to see the next chapter.
Synch chapter 37 . 1/21/2009
Awesome chapter. Remind me never to piss off Sarah.

So they're on their way. Somehow, I don't expect Bob's going to be comfortable in Sarah's absence.

Sarah & Maya on their way to meet Havoc...yeah, "receptive" is unlikely to be the word. lol

Can't wait for the next chapter. This is gonna get...interesting.
TMM1205 chapter 36 . 10/4/2008
Hee! So Sarah kept putting the whammy on her teachers, huh? Imagine the want-ad for THAT job!

Pretty awesome how she was always giving Thompson Sr. a run for his money! Kicking his ass whenever he smarted off to her. You'd think he'd figure out to just keep his mouth shut around her after a while, but no!

The scene between Elle and Sylar was cool. I'm glad that she's gone to him for help with Bob. Those two as a (platonic) team has some pretty interesting possibilities!

You know you've fucked up when your toughest team member is pissing his pants, eh Thompson Jr.? AWESOME REVENGE!

I felt so terrible for Sylar and Elle when Bob revealed that Sarah was "dead". What a sadistic ass, showing them the pictures! YAY! Good on Angela, making Sylar look at that picture again! Good thing he picked up on what she wanted him to see. HE KNOWS SHE'S NOT PERMANENTLY DEAD! YES!

And another wicked awesome cliffhanger of an ending! I guess if Bob ever wondered how he'd look turned inside-out, he's about to get that question answered!


Now I'm back to studying some more. Again. Ugh!
TMM1205 chapter 35 . 10/4/2008
Here I am with the next chapter in my review marathon!

I am LOVING the flashbacks and how hot Candice was for Sylar. Can't say I blame the girl, he's mega-hot! (Looks good in the Company Armani as well-DAYUM!) Also interesting is the steamy chemistry Sylar and Sarah had from the very beginning. He might be strapped down, but not EVERY part of him is lying down, I'll bet! LOL!

Interesting how Thompson's crew honestly think they've got the upper-hand here against Sarah. I'm loving how she's just sitting back, letting them think they're going to be big heroes. I can't wait to watch her rip them all new ones when this is over and done with. The talk between her and The Haitian was very interesting and enlightening as well. He's just as much a victim in all of this as she is, poor guy.

Ugh! Bob is such an ass! And now Elle sees what he's completely and totally capable of! I'm glad that she's finally seen the light. She can't make excuses for him now, even if she wanted to.

YIKES! That was pretty brutal what Thompson and the boys did. They are SO screwed!


I'm off like a prom dress at the after party to review the next chapter! EXCELLENT, STUPENDOUS, and AWESOME chapter!
TMM1205 chapter 34 . 10/4/2008
Here I am, pulling my head out of textbooks for a moment to FINALLY review these chapters!

I have to admit, the bit with Linderman giving Sarah the dog had me cringing. I was TERRIFIED that he'd end up killing the dog in front of her or something, I don't know why. It's really cool to watch little Sarah, so completely chilly and cold, get all warm and fuzzy over a puppy.

The test that Linderman et all put her through was pretty viscious! I think Maury put it correctly-it wasn't a happy place to wake up to.

LOVE the reference to Synch's Havoc! I think it's going to be very cool to have him show up-if he does.

So Sarah's putting the wheels into motion with getting Maya and Alejandro away from Bob's clutches. Sounds like a good plan, so far!

Thompson Jr. is just as much of a pig as his father, I see. Interesting too to have Fallon show up. I can't wait to see this little plot of theirs blow up in their faces.

The bit between Sarah and Niki was very sad and sweet. Besides Sylar and Elle, I have a feeling that Niki is going to miss Sarah the most when she runs.

My, my, my! Is Angela actually feeling a little maternal towards her little girl? Hm.

I was ROTFLMAO when Sylar and Sarah finally realized how they first "met". Very funny!

And now Sarah's heading off with the schmuck crew! I can't wait to read what happens next!
Shade chapter 36 . 10/3/2008
My eyes may be crossing from reading this all in one go - but it was worth it! Great story - update soon!

Synch chapter 36 . 9/29/2008


Bob's going to regret this, I think.


You turned it up in this one. Pure bloody (literally) brilliance. Loved it and can not wait for more.
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