Reviews for Chains
Carla Turkinten chapter 1 . 2/6/2008
Absolutely stunning...
drifting-nightmare chapter 1 . 12/18/2007
You have truely defined the life-long insufferable question of love and what it is! WOW! Way to go! Rioben and Kaye of all the couples in the world are by far the best who portray it! Awesome fic! I loved it!
time can take its toll chapter 1 . 12/9/2007

'Cause now I feel like crap for this delayed review. :(

And um, because I'm LAZY AS F*CK, THANKS, I'm going to answer everything right here.

First? Omguh, black coffee drabbles. You've got to request that at livejournal next, okay? :D :D

Second, bwaha, I'm so glad you chose DemyxKairi for that prompt. Even when I got the table (WTH a year ago? WHAT?) I wanted to use that for ...that. But I never did, so 8D!

Third? Just HAHA. HAHAHA - that is all. C:

And the storryy omguh. x3 "she has him snared in chains made of all three." - I love how you didn't just leave it at that, like, the wings? Gosh I love that part. x3 And possessive!Roiben is awesome. It just makes so much sense. :D Because uh, even though he can be lighthearted and fun sometimes~, it's not like he's not a total sap.

...lolol yes I'm thinking of KH. :D

Gosh I need to get my head back in the Holly Black fandom. D: Maybe I'll apply for Val for a roleplay or something. I've always wanted to do that. :D; If I do (on livejournal) wanna join me~?
ladybugg13 chapter 1 . 11/30/2007
Oh my gosh! I love it.

I missed Roiben and Kaye so much. (I've just discovered Holly Black fanfiction.)

The angst is exactly how I imagine Rioben. Really, really good. It didn't feel fake to me, too many times people make characters go OOC, but you didn't.

SpiceChaiPrincessOfDoom chapter 1 . 11/25/2007
who doesn't write late at night, or really early in the morning? anyway, even though it was a series of drabbles, you connected them really well!

haha! roiben's so angsty. he does seem like an emotional kind of guy.
XChocolateChipX chapter 1 . 11/8/2007
I must agree with you on the wangst over leadership.

Not your best piece but a good read all the same.

Harey chapter 1 . 11/7/2007
Haley likes writing at ungodly hours of the night, too.

Whatever happened to Zanisha, by the way?

I think this is lovely, and you captured Roiben's constantly conflicting feelings very well, and his tendency to hold people down with his possessiveness. I actually wrote something with a similar theme myself, recently. Not to mention his ruthless self-hatred. He never gives himself a break, does he? But yes, it is strangely hot.

...Sorry if this review is a bit nonsensical. My nerves are absolutely fried.