Reviews for A Familiar Place: Part II The Founder's Story
Guest chapter 40 . 9/3/2019
So if Harry is Griffindors descendant how does he speak parseltongue and why did the sorting hat want him in Slytherin? Hmmmm?
Felicia Rena chapter 41 . 2/26/2019
This story is definitely one of the most brilliant stories I've ever read! I didn't have a live for two whole days just to finish this story because I just couldn't stop reading! I love how the mystery unfold, the twist, even how Hermione and Draco keep fighting because they just afraid of hurting each other but in the end always made up because they just love each other too much, oh! and how I at first thought that Salazar's so evil and sweet Helga didn't deserved him at all. Yes, Salazar isn't a good man, and he did many horrible things, but in the end he did love Helga more than anything, more than her blood status. Their love story is so tragic it hurts to think about it. Anyway, thank you so much for this wonderful story!

Much Love,
Felicia Rena
Pitch Black Outlet chapter 1 . 11/20/2017
I always wanted to read this series and I have to regrets. The mysteries are thrilling even their romance. The OCs in the story gives more meaning to the story. I don't read much stories that involved the four founders but this one of the best. Even how Draco and Hermione built their relationship in the first part of the series is fascinating.

I'll try to read more of your stories. You are one of the DHr writers that had a lot to share and your concepts and plots are awesome. Don't stop writing. Kudos.
zauza chapter 41 . 7/11/2017
Love the plot, because I love a good mystery story and this is one good one.
Hermione annoyed me to bits, she is whiny and selfish and after I whined myself about it I remembered how she also annoyed me to hell and back in the books. Some reactions she has in this story took me back to how she always let her emotions rule her whenever someone did not praise her merits, like when Harry had the Half-Blood-Prince potions books and excelled and she was so upset about him doing better than her, or when she got Crooks and was so unfeeling about Ron's " rat" being chased by her familiar not giving a second thought about Ron being so upset. She is insecure and ruthless and a know it all in the worse sense. Then I smiled at myself and realized how well you portrayed her here. Also i don't really like how most author portray her as being oh so perfect and without flaws.
Draco is too weak and cries a bit too much for my tastes, I liked him better in the first part of the story but then again his character was never really developed in the books so anyone can write him as they please. They fight a bit too much and to be honest all their fights start the same way and end up the same way and that was I liked less about the story.I wish Draco had made her squirm a little bit longer and really hurt to the core for being so selfish and spoiled in the end, she deserved to really understand that she was to blame for their break up and grow up a little. It worked nevertheless and I had a great time reading them and now I am off to read the third part. Thanks for the fun.
Jremi08 chapter 41 . 8/16/2016
I can't even put into words how much I loved this story. I can't wait to read the next story in the series.
Gabriel Gatsby chapter 1 . 4/6/2015
Ooo this was a great Part I. I really liked how you opened the piece by clearly stating she's unable to concentrate, and then the style you wrote in directly reflected that as you went on to sort of wander with her thoughts. I got a really clear view of how her circumstances came about before you dived into the story. I loved your characterisation of Draco and Hermione and I thought the sections of dialogue were brill :) Good job.
elina chapter 41 . 9/22/2014
Thank you! Such a great story, full of suspense and mystery til the end! You absolutely rock!
MissWitchx chapter 32 . 2/16/2014
You would not believe the amount of times I've changed my mind about who the bad guy is haha, great writing on your part. Just a minor note it's not the crucio/ imperio curse - they are the incantations not the spell name. Other than that really enjoyable story, can't wait to read part three! :)
BellaSweet03 chapter 41 . 1/15/2013
I read the third part first and then the first and second... This story kept me awake at night... Its so captivating...hats off to u fpr this amazing work
Avonia Omaticaya chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
you mis-spelt archaeology. Love your writing though!
ibnatz16 chapter 1 . 1/24/2012
l loved the last story and i love this one(btw i only review on the first chp)
sjspatz19 chapter 41 . 1/13/2012
Great story however I did get a bit confused at one point with all the phophecies (can't spell) but only because I was reading so fast. Once you re-read the chapter it made sense. Loved it. Can't wait to read part 3.
Dawn20p chapter 19 . 12/16/2011
Dios mio! enough already... I like the story, I really do...but it's getting old.. they're constantly fighting, she is too weak, and is really inconsiderate towards his feelings. and she breaks up with him every time something difficult occurs! I love to read a least ONE chapter in which they do not fight
EverlyYours chapter 1 . 11/11/2011
God, this was another brilliant story. I am so hooked on these series. I can't wait to read the next one!
HP0247 chapter 41 . 5/23/2011
I've read the first story twice and I admit that I've just now finished the second story for the first time.

I really enjoyed this story, it was full of unexpected adventure and drama.

LOVE THIS DRACO - can I have him when you're done? Thanks for sharing your stories!
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